Chapter: 1

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Meeting the students:

Students talking to friends about their summer vacation. Guys shamelessly 'checking out' girls in their short shorts and mini skirts. Girls acting like they don't know they're being gawked at when really they know all too well.

This is the sight I'm confronted with when I walk through the doors of my old highschool.

Not much has changed...

Well people wise at least. The school looks like they chipped in for new lockers. The once old battered dull blue lockers are now replaced by clean dent-free Royal blue ones that have that new shine to them. The once scuffed and dirty grayish vinyl flooring has now been replaced by white tiles. Looks like they redid the roof panels too, to get rid of the water stains.

How fancy. Note sarcasm here.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I'm pushed from behind. I catch myself at the last minute stopping myself from falling face-first onto the floor.

Good thing too. It would be so unfortunate if my blood got all over the new tiles, they look like they cost a lot.

I turn around to come face-to-face with a broad chest.

I look up to find a large jock towering over me giving me a death glare.

Well this must be a good sign. Note sarcasm here. Again.

"Watch where your going runt."

Oh so it can talk? Interesting.

*mental eye-roll*

"You bumped into me." I state with a neutral look. He's about to answer when we're interrupted.

"Get your sluty hands off my man!" Comes a high pitched screech from my right. This grabs the other students attention and a crowd forms in seconds.

I look over and use every once of will power I have not to snort.

I'm the sluty one? Really?

The screech came from a platinum blonde girl who looks like she belongs on a street corner. Crop top, too short mini skirt, and what looks like 12 inch heels.

No way that passes the dress code...

"OK one; do you really wanna play the whose a slut game dressed like that? And two; if I did want to date someone, they would need a positive IQ." I look them both up and down in complete disgust.

This causes our audience to howl with "Ohh!" and "burn!" and etc.

"Now I think you two should get to class before your late." I reply to the 'jock' and 'slut' with a sweet smile. The girl just stares at me like a fish opening and closing her mouth while the guy just looks pissed.

"You bitch! Who do you think you are?" She screams.

"It doesn't matter who I am but what I am. And what I am is tired of this meaningless conversation. Now I suggest you get to class before your late." I side step the two of them and head off to my first class.


I get everything set up and for the finishing touch write 'Miss. Brax' on the white board.

I sit in my seat and look at my attendance sheet to see all the students in my first class.

29 students. What fun. There goes my sarcasm again.

The final bell rings and I look up to see every seat filled exept for one just like it should be.

" should get out of the teacher's seat."

I look at the owner of the voice to find a girl with big bolky glasses and braces with braided pigtails looking at me like I'm stupid.

I just smile and continue class.

"When I call your name I want to hear you give some form of reply."

I call out the names and they answer.

"Looks like everyone's here today."

"Chick you need to sit down before the teacher comes." One of the guys from the back calls.

"The names not 'chick' its Miss. Brax and I am the teacher." I reply with a sweet smile.

"Yeah right. And I'm a Duke." Snorts one of the other guys in the back.

"Of course you are..." I dial the principals office and when he picks up I tell him what's going on and he says he'll be down in five.

"Now look its funny and all but really the teacher will get mad if they catch you in-"

Theres a knock on the door and the principal walks in.

"Mr. Tom tell this girl to get out of the teachers seat." One of the girls say.

"Actually she is the teacher." The principal explains.

The look of shock on their faces is hilarious.

"Thank you Mr. Tom. Now if you don't mind I would like to get back to teaching my class." I smile sweetly to show my thanks.

After the principal leaves I turn back to my class.

"" A girl in the braces asks.

"You look 16." Comments the same guy that called me 'chick'.

"Well one; I look 16 because I am 16. Two-" I explain but I'm interrupted.

"How the hell can you be a teacher at 16?" Some guy sitting next to 'chick' guy blurts.

They are giving me a headache.

"I was about to explain but I was interrupted," I shoot a glare at the guy that interrupted me. "I'm a teacher at 16 because I graduated high school at 14. I graduated college three months ago. There is no age restriction on being a teacher at this school so they didn't have a good enough reason to reject me, since I complete all the needs necessary for this job. The university I want to teach at does however have an age restriction. I have to be an adult. At least 18. So for the next two years I will be teaching here."

I look at all my students to make sure it sinks in that yes I am their teacher.

"Your a hot teacher." The 'chick' guy comments.

"And your looking for a one way trip to the office." This gets a couple of laughs. "Now lets begin with a test to see what you remember."

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And whatever else


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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