1. Jinxes For The Jinxed

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1. Jinxes for the Jinxed

She woke up, sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Another nightmare. Another night alone. She sighed, as her cat jumped upon her bed, and settled himself at her feet. Sitting up to scratch behind his ears, she looked at the clock beside her bed. 04:13.

"This is the maximum amount of sleep I'm going to get tonight, isn't it Crookshanks?" she murmured to her cat, as he purred loudly.

Rolling her eyes, she begrudgingly slid out of bed and padded softly down to her kitchen, where she proceeded to heat up a cup of hot milk with her wand which she picked up from her table. Taking the cup of warm milk, she sat down on her armchair, thinking about her previous dream.

It had been three years since the Great War, but that didn't mean that Hermione Granger didn't still think about it to this day, whether it be consciously or not. About how Bellatrix Lestrange tortured her for information and how the other Death Eaters watched with stony expressions on their faces, not even showing any signs of regret.

She looked down at her arm, where the scars still remained from where Bellatrix had forcefully carved the vicious marks into her arm, enjoying every second of it. Hermione shivered, as chills ran up her spine.


Forever reminding her what she was, and her so-called "place in society". That she had tainted genes, dirty blood.

Shaking her head, she stood up suddenly, causing a meow of distress and discontent from Crookshanks, who was sitting behind her legs.

"Accio" She pointed her wand at one of her 7 overflowing bookcases and a large blue book flew to land on her desk with a dusty thump, titled "An Anthology of Eighteenth Century Charms"

She smiled slightly, as the last time she read through this book was back in her fifth year at Hogwarts. Sitting down and opening it, she started to re-read the thousand page charm book.


"And that is everything that you need to do today, okay Miss Granger?" Shacklebolt finished off, looking at me expectedly.

"Yes Kingsl- sorry- Mr Shacklebolt" she quickly replied, pulling her parchment from her office desk, containing all of the visits and issues she had to attend to. After finishing at Hogwarts, and taking and getting straight O's in her N.E.W.T.'s, the Ministry of Magic was almost begging her to take a job as an Auror, which she happily accepted.

After Shacklebolt exited her small office, she looked down at her list and sighed. Today was nothing special, just some minor tasks. Occasionally she got to make a raid, or arrest a previous Death Eater, still committing crimes, which particularly satisfied her. But the most exciting thing she had to do today, was check on Mundungus Fletcher, who, yet again, had been accused of stealing goods and black-marketing them off to people around Knockturn Alley. He still hadn't changed, even if most other things had. She looked around her office wearily. It was going to be a long day at the office.


"See you on Monday, Miss Granger!"

"Have a good weekend, Hermione!"

She smiled and and exchanged short pleasantries with her colleagues as she walked out of her department. It was no surprise that Hermione was a highly valued and hugely popular Auror among the Ministry.

She always preferred to walk home on a Friday, instead of Apparating, or travelling by Floo Network. Because she usually worked slight overtime on Fridays, it would be about sunset by the time that she finished working. Especially at this time of the year, she enjoyed walking in the balmy summer air, with a nice cooling breeze. She knew that this weather wouldn't last much longer, so she decided to savour it.

As she was walking along a crowded street, she saw a homeless young man, playing the guitar and looking around hopefully at passers-by, hoping to get a bit of spare change. As Hermione continued to watch the scene, she saw that barely anyone bothered to spare the poor man a glance, let alone give him any money. Walking by him, she dropped a ten pound note into his black hat, then, when the man was fully focused on his guitar, she slid her wand from her handbag and muttered a charm, making the small pile of money double in size.

She walked on, unnoticed, but feeling proud that she had helped someone today.

Unlocking her flat with her keys and opening the door, she was greeted with a thankful mew from Crookshanks. Picking him up, Hermione made her way the the sofa and turned on the television.

"This is the BBC News at 6, and I'm Hayley Starkham. Our top story tonight: Scientists have been conducting research that shows people who live alone, especially young women, are more prone to depression, suicide and even shortened lifespan. In other news-"

At that point Hermione turned off the TV rather abruptly and looked down at Crookshanks. "But I'm not alone, am I? I've got you, Crookshanks, haven't I?" Looking forward with widened eyes, she whispered to herself, "Hermione, pull yourself together. Your talking to a damn cat, for Merlin's sake."

She reached over and grabbed a blank sheet of parchment, ink, and a quill, and she began to write.


The next morning when she woke up and went to make herself breakfast, one of the Daily Prophet owls, flew through her open window, and took the five knuts left on the sill, dropping the paper in the process. He then proceeded to fly out the window, weitpghed down ever so slightly with the weight of the money.

Hermione picked up the paper in one hand, and ate her toast in the other. Ignoring the headline, she turned to page 27, where most of the adverts were.

Right in the middle in bold. It read:
Hermione Granger looking for roommate, living in London. Applicant must not be a complete arse. Turn up at this address TODAY to apply.

She smiled. All she needed was someone to keep her company. Now all she had to do was wait.


So, what do you guys think? If it's badly written, or short, please feel free to point out any mistakes! This is my first book, and I intend to stick with it! Sorry if it's slightly boring, but there will be a lot of funny stuff in the next chapter. Draco is coming... (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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