Chapter 1

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(Kat's P.O.V)
I sat and stared out the window of the car, listening and humming to the song coming from my earbuds. I was always fascinated with nature and seeing the trees fly by was just exciting.
Not that I could say the same thing about the past week.
I looked over to my left to see my mom hurrying to the doctors office. She let out a soft cough and quickly clasped a hand over her mouth. My brother looked up from the back seat, staring with worry at my mother.
2 weeks ago
"Shark week!" my brother shouted repeatedly. I shook my head as I paused my YouTube video. I walked out of my room and looked at him from the catwalk. He had a small container of popcorn and was flipping through channels with the remote being held loosely in his hand. I let out a long sigh.
"Alex!" I snapped. He quickly turned to face me leaning over the railing.
"Don't you dare watch that stupid crap." I growled. Alex looked at me, hurt very evident in his eyes.
"Without me, of course!!!" I laughed. Alex perked right back up and I ran downstairs to join him.
"SHARKNADO! SHARKNADO! SHARKNADO!" My brother and me chanted. Then, the TV screen switched to the news channel. Me and Alex growled in unison.
"BREAKING NEWS" the news anchors started.
"A deadly virus outbreak has happened at a middle school today. We have Katie Miller live at the scene. Katie?"
The TV switched to a rather violent scene. Kids' bodies scattered around the clearing. The middle school was completely closed off. EMS trucks were hauling five children in one truck. I felt my stomach jump into my throat.
"Thanks Diane. We are live on the scene where a serious virus has affected most, if not all, the students and staff at this middle school. Symptoms include infected cuts or open wounds, coughing or vomiting up blood, violent cramps, migraines, and aggressive behavior. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact you doctor. Now back to your regular program."
The screen switched back to Sharknado but by that time, I felt a giant lump beginning to form in my throat. I squirmed around uneasily on the coach.
"I'm... gonna go and hang out in room.." I muttered, not really caring if anyone heard me. I shuffled up the stairs and walked in my room. I closed the door and slowly sat down.
This thing isn't gonna end well.. I thought.
It won't be that bad, right?
It won't be alright.
People will start dying.
Can't we deal with this?
I hope.

Flashback End

It's only been getting worse. More and more people are getting the disease. My mom is suspected to have that disease. I got out of school early because the doctors thought me and my brother Alex might have it too.
"We're here," my mom said with a slightly shaky voice.
The next part was just a blur for me.
I sat down and watched as my mom and my brother went into the doctor's office.
"Wait here." The nurse said to me.
"But-" I started.
"It's ok sweetie, they're in good hands." She smiled. It looked fake to me. I still felt a little uneasy but I decided to just sit and wait.
Then I felt my blood run cold as I heard a scream.
I rushed to the door but I was blocked by the nurse I met earlier.
"What's happening?" I asked frantically .
"Everything is alright sweetie. We're just having.. um.. technical difficulties." The nurse said.
She hesitated. Something's wrong.
Doctors and nurses rushed to the doctors office.
Yep, something is definitely wrong.
"Let go of me!" I heard something yell.
"Let me go in." I said flatly.
"Not gonna happen." She hissed.
Well, if you're gonna act like that..
I pushed the nurse aside and ran into the doctors office. All the doctors were in this certain room.
Suddenly, I saw a doctor holding my brother. He was thrashing around in his grip but failing to break free.
"Hey! Get your hands off my brother!" I yelled at the doctor. The doctor turned around to face me. He was sickly pale and had yellowing eyes.
"Get.. your brother.. out of here." He panted. My stomach churned. The doctor let my brother go gently and rushed us to the door.
"Wait! My mom is still in there!!" I said. The doctor turned to face me.
"Look kid, that woman that just came in a while ago, she's dead." He said with a serious tone.
"Wait, wait, how is she dead? She was fine when we got here." I said uneasily. The doctor looked like he was getting weaker and weaker by the second.
"The disease affects everyone differently. Look, you kids really need to get out of here. It's not safe." He said quickly. Me and Alex turned to leave.
"And a little note," I turned around to face the doctor.
"Don't get close to those people. Run away." He said and rolled up his sleeve, revealing a gigantic gash on his arm, puss covering the wound entirely. I felt myself becoming sick.
We ran down the staircase, unsure of how we would get home.
What if the cops saw me or Alex driving a car?
I don't even know how to drive a car...
I'm in frickin middle school.
A low growl interrupted my train of thought. I looked behind me and saw a police officer slowly approaching us.
"S-sir? Can you please help? We can't get back home, and we're really scared." I said shakily. The officer didn't reply, he just continued shuffling towards us. Eventually, he stood right next to me but continued to inch closer to me.
"Hey, give me some personal space man!" I said and shoved him back a couple of feet away.
Then, I saw his face.
His skin was a deep gray color and his eyes were completely white.
A dull, unmoving white that only a dead person would have.
"NOPE!" I yell. I grabbed my brother and put him on my back and started running the opposite direction to where I thought our house was.
As we ran down the road, more and more people started to pop up with the same features and tried to keep up with dez awesome legs but failed miserably. Thank God that I play soccer.

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