Kija x Reader

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~Here's the request for Frozen_Sun!

I wasn't expecting this to be so long, but it will probably have a part two >~< ~

The minutes began to feel like hours as you walked through the vast trees. You weren't sure where you were going, but you knew you'd end up somewhere...eventually. You had recently left your corrupt city to find a new, better town with new, better, kinder people. However, you were met with hardship, as you were traveling on your own with little gold and no weapons. Food was scarce, and merchants were a rare sight along the forest trail, leaving you starving. The only upside was you were near a river, allowing unlimited access to fresh water. Your long cloak blew softly in the slight wind as you walked, your footsteps breaking the forest's silence. You weren't alone. (E/c) eyes darted around, searching for whoever was watching you as you clutched your bag, fearing the worst case scenario of bandits. A small amount of courage bubbled up, allowing a shaky, "Who's there?" to escape your lips. A nearby bush rustled, your trembling body spinning around to find a small squirrel sitting in front of the bush. "Kyuu!" It squeaked, running off. You followed the small creature, considering it was the first squirrel you'd seen in days. However, instead of finding a squirrel's nest or what you expected, nothing at all, you found 3 people sitting around a fire. With food. You stayed in your spot behind a tree, watching them eat, when you felt (and heard) your stomach growl. Loudly. All three of the people went quiet, looking in your direction. The raven-haired man stood up, grabbing a large spear looking weapon.

"Who's there?" He asked in a loud voice, gripping the weapon. You remained silent, trembling slightly from his actions. "I asked who's there!" He bellowed, a small yelp of fear escaping your lips. He walked over to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you out from behind your tree.

"Hak! Let her go!" The man, apparently named 'Hak', let you go, your body falling to the ground. You pushed yourself up again, dusting off your dress and rubbing the spot on your arm in which he grabbed you.

"Thank you, miss." You smiled. "I didn't mean to scare you or intrude...I was actually following the squirrel, as crazy as it sounds..." You laughed nervously, the red-haired girl laughing softly as well. She asked a few questions, such as, "Are you traveling alone?" And "Where are you going?".

You answered honestly, feeling comfortable around this stranger, even though you hadn't even learned her name. Somehow, she felt you could confide in her.

"My name is Yo--Rina, that's Hak," She pointed to the man who grabbed you. "And that's Yoon." She pointed to a younger boy. "Kija is out getting water. What's your name?" She asked with a sweet smile gracing her face.

"(Y/N), it's nice to meet you, Rina, Hak, Yoon." You smiled back. In the silence that followed your statement, your stomach let out a loud growl, your face flushing in embarrassment, especially when Yona, or as you knew her, Rina, began to giggle.

"Hungry?" She questioned. You simply nodded, too embarrassed to speak. "Why don't you sit down and eat with us? We have plenty of food to spare." Your eyes widened at her proposal. You hadn't met many travelers throughout your journeys that were so kind as to offer you full use of their goods. You made your way to one of the logs surrounding the fire, "Rina" handing you a makeshift plate. You began to eat your fill, starved from the days without food. The four of you began to talk, getting to know each other when you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around to see a male with pure white hair and stunning blue eyes holding two flasks filled with water. 'So this is Kija...' You thought to yourself. You heard "Rina" introduce you, telling him a little about you, but your eyes stayed on him, in awe over his appearance.

"Hello? (Y/N)?" You snapped out of it when the same male's hand waved in front of your face.

"S-sorry...!" You yelped. "I just got lost in thought..." To your surprise, he began to chuckle.

"It's okay. I'm Kija! Nice to meet you!" You shook his hand, feeling how...different it felt from normal skin.


"Have you heard of the four dragons?" He cut you off with newfoumd enthusiasm. You nodded, remembering your parents telling you the Kingdom's creation myth. "Well, I'm the direct descendant of the white dragon, and the current white dragon as well. My job is to serve the princess." He stated, gesturing to Rina. You could tell he shortened it to save time, but---princess!? You quickly remembered the news of King Il's death and the princess' dissapearance, putting two and two together.

"Wait a second...are you the missing princess!?" You asked, confusion cluttering your mind. Hak let out a low growl, grabbing Kija's cloak in frustration in anger. Clearly you weren't supposed to know about her...political status.

"Damn it, Kija!" The two quickly got in a fight, Yona letting out a sigh.

"It is true... I am Princess Yona..." She smiled softly, explaining what happened. After she finished, Hak quickly pulled her away to talk, leaving you, Yoon, and Kija alone in an awkward silence. A few moments later, they returned.

"Say... (Y/N), since you're traveling alone, and since Hak doesn't exactly trust you to leave," She giggled. "Would you like to come with us? I believe we'll be passing through the town you were headed to as well." She suggested. And that was when you said the one word that would change your life: yes.

It had been a few weeks since you agreed, and the five of you had become extremely close. But you and Kija's relationship was slightly different than the rest. Yes, you two were close, but it was almost in a different way. You often found yourself trusting him and confiding in him more than Yona, but yet you were nervous around him. Your heart rate would skyrocket, your mind clouding whenever the two of you spoke. Whenever he was around you his normally pale face would flush red, and he began to rarely make eye contact. You noticed it all, but brushed it off, believing he was just shy or something along the lines of. However, one night, his antics were worse than normal. He was stuttering profusely throughout your conversation. Suddenly, after your nightly dinner conversation, he asked to talk. Privately. It was odd, considering he never spoke to anyone privately: he had nothing to hide. However, you followed him, questioning him the entire way. Once he stopped, he put his hands on your shoulders.

"Listen... (Y/N)...I know that you're supposed to be leaving us tomorrow and I figured now would be the best time to tell you..." He sighed. "Whenever I'm around you I get all tingly and warm and...I really like you, (Y/N)...I couldn't let you leave without knowing that and I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just--" You cut him off not allowing him to continue his rambling.

"Kija, I...I feel the same way around you." You blurted out. "I never really thought about it but...I think I like you, too." You smiled. However, the male frowned softly.

"It's a shame we had to figure this out the night before you left..." He looked away from you, sadness etched onto his face.

"Y'know...I don't have to leave tomorrow..." You saw Kija perk up a bit at your statement. "Besides, I'm not sure if I can let...this...go without at least trying it out first...what do you say?" You asked with a small smile.

"Did you just ask me out...?" He asked, slightly confused. "I thought that was my job!" You giggled as the two of you fussed back and forth, pure bliss washing over your thoughts.

You knew that you weren't leaving. Not for a long time, especially since you had gotten your very own white dragon.

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