Awkward Moments in Life

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I got this idea while reading a bunch of "That Awkward Moment" lists. Hope you enjoy! :)


"That awkward moment when you offer Eminem M&Ms."

Most people think it's impossible to do this but i've had the extremely unfortunate luck of experiencing this. Here is how it happened:

I was in an Eminem concert with a bunch of friends and it just ended. We had backstage passes and my friends immediately rushed backstage once the concert finished.

I'm not a really big fan of Eminem so i told them that i would meet with them backstage later.

They agreed and i walked off to the snack shop.

Everything was expensive. There were Toblerones, Maltesers, Cadbury and finally, M&Ms.

The others were huge and cost much more than the M&Ms so i settled for the colorful chocolate.

I made my way to backstage and met up with my friends. They were lined up to get an autograph from Eminem.

I waited outside the line, snacking on my M&Ms. 

My friend asked me for some and i walked to her. Unfortunately, we were near the end of the line and a very rude fan ran past me, bumping me on the shoulder.

Being the huge klutz i am, i fell on my ass. The M&Ms in my hand flying everywhere.

It was silent and people stared at me.

I got up and turned around to see Eminem standing there with an amused look on his face.

I laughed nervously and did the only thing i could do.

"Want an M&M?" I asked the famous singer, listening to restrained laughter of my friends.


To clear it up, this did NOT happen in real life. I just made it up. If it happened, i'm pretty sure it would have been all over the news.

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