chapter 30

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Mr choi and Jessi pov

Soon Jessi parents arrived..

Jessi =mom

Luna slapped Jessi

Luna=you brat which type of mother you are.

Ace=cut down your dirty plans against beomgyu.

Mr choi=how do you know about that.

Ace =shut up bastard we know your dirty plan we will expose you then rot in jail.

Jessi =we have certificates

Luna=still we can take action against you both we rule the court.

Ace=this is enough we have given you enough time to change Jessi but now it's different it's about our grandson that poor kid is unlucky to have you as mom and dad .

Luna=also if we go against you both it will be family case and this will make people trust us more.

With that they left

Jessi =stupid mom and dad ruin our plan they are filing a case now yeonjun is safe shit...

Mrchoi =Don't panic Jessi I still have plan i am sure yeonjun will come to rescue beomgyu and then we will kill him and capture his territory.

At evening

Yeonjun arrived

There was no light in house and everything was black .

Yeonjun =beomgyu now everything is in our hands come here we can rescue a case has been filed.

Soon there was sound of gun shot...

Yeonjun protect himself Soon some one kick him.

Mrchoi =you are dead choi yeonjun we will just kill you and escape..

Soon soobin enter beomgyu s bedroom from backside.

Soobin  =beomgyu let's escape I also called your grandparents let's go why you are going towards hallway?

Beomgyu =Jessi and mrchoi are trying to kill yeonjun I am going down

Soobin =beomgyu Wait I will call our guards and reporters both will get caught redhanded you just escape I will take care of everything.

Beomgyu =It will take time I will have to go they have gun .


Beomgyu went towards stairs he throw flower pots and glasses and photo frame on guards so that they get injured.

Beomgyu take all the gun with him .

Jessi =enough of this game .

Mrchoi took his gun and shot yeonjun.

But beomgyu came in between.

Soon Soobin s guard s and beomgyu grandparents arrived the guards arrested Mr choi and Jessi.

Reporter=as you can see these both monsters are caught red-handed a case has been filed against them...

Yeonjun =beomgyu no..

Yeonjun hugged beomgyu

Yeonjun (crying) =my baby someone help.

Soobin =yeonjun hyung I had called ambulance don't worry

Ace =Soobin please take care of our grand son we will catch at hospital once this processor is over.

Luna=yes take care
She kissed Beomgyu s forehead..

To be continued......

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