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Sixteen year old Dipper and Mabel were getting ready for their trip back to Gravity Falls.It's been four years since Mabel and Dipper were at Gravity Falls.The last time they were there,a lot of strange things were going on.Dipper and Mabel came back home that summer and told their parents everything what happened.The gnomes,dinosaurs,ghosts,vampires,zombies,lake monsters,and more.As parents,they freaked out and didn't want them going back to that dangerous place.They complained on how they wanted to go back home and see their great uncle Stan and their friends,but their parents refused.

One day,Dipper and Mabel finally convinced their parents on going.Their parents thought that they were old enough to take care of themselves since they're already sixteen.Soon,they got tickets for the bus to Gravity Falls and started packing to go back to Gravity Falls.

"Bye Mom!Bye Dad!We'll miss you guys!"Mabel said.

"We'll be back soon!"Dipper said climbing on the bus with Mabel behind him.

They took their seats in the back and waved goodbye to their parents.Their parents waved goodbye as the bus started moving.

"Finally!After all these years,we finally get to see Grunkle Stan again!"Mabel said,clapping her hands together.

Mabel aged a lot over the pass four years.Her hair got a bit longer,she still had her cheerfully personality and luckly she got her braces removed almost a year ago.Although,her obsession over sweaters didn't change.She knitted many sweaters over the summer and sold them online and that earned her a lot of money.

Dipper on the other hand,he had gone through many changes and had gone to boy hood to man hood.He had a few hairs sticking out of his chin and his voice was slightly deeper.Dipper still had his curly brown hair,but he grew it a bit longer.He still had the hat from where he got at the mystery shack the first day and first time they visited Gravity Falls.Dipper grew taller,but Mabel was still one millimeter taller than him.His style changed too,along with Mabel's.Dipper had his favorite dark blue sweater on top of his bright cherry red shirt with pair of blue jeans.Mabel had her light blue jeans with her favorite pink sweater with a shooting star on it.

"Man,it's been so long since we were last here."Dipper sighed,looking out the window.

"I know!Mom and Dad had held us prisoners for the past four years!But now we're free as a bird!"Mabel said jumping up and down her seat.

"Calm down,tiger."Dipper chuckled."We still have a long way to go."

"Oh right.Man,I thought traveling would be more fun than this."Mabel said,slouching a bit in her seat.

"Yeah,but it's worth it."Dipper said.

"Do you think Grunkle Stan still has Waddles?"Mabel asked.

"Yeah,in his stomach."Dipper giggled.

"Don't say that!"Mabel lightly pushed Dipper.

"But seriously,Waddles will probably be there waiting for you there."Dipper smiled.

"Thanks bro bro!"Mabel smiled back.

'Hopefully the journal is still there where I left it.'Dipper thought.

For the rest of the road trip,Dipper and Mabel played road trip games and took turns napping.When they got to Gravity Falls.They couldn't feel more happier or exicted.There,waiting for them at the bus station was their great Uncle Stan.

"Grunkle Stan!Grunkle Stan!Over here!"Mabel shouted,waving her hands in the air.

"Are those really my two nephews?"Stan said.

"The one and only."Dipper said.

"Welcome back,kids!"Stan greeted them.

"Aw.I missed you Grunkle Stan!"Mabel hugged Stan.

"I missed ya too kid."Dipper shrugged and joined in on the hugging parade.

"Look how big you guys have gotten!You guys have gotten a lot older since I last saw you!"Grunkle Stan said.

"Yeah,especially you!"Mabel giggled.

"Hey!One day you'll look old like me!"Stan snapped back,laughing as well.

"Ew.Never!"Mabel laughed.

But Stan did aged a bit too,but he could still walk normally and do many other things,but he would usually use a cane to help him walk and other necessities he might need.

"How are you,Dipper?"Stan asked.

"It could be better."Dipper shrugged.

Stan raised an eyebrow,but then shook it off."Come on,kids!Let's get you guys settled in."

"Is Waddles still there?"Mabel asked.

"Yeah,he's been waiting for you for the pass four years."Stan said.

"Aw,poor Waddles."Mabel said.

"But he's fine.He got a little more bigger though."Stan said with a smile.

"Oh boy!That means more bacon to cook!"Dipper said joking.

Mabel gasped and punched Dipper.

"Shut up!"Mabel growled.

"I'm just messing with you."Dipper laughed.

Mabel groaned.Soon after,they loaded their suitcases into the trunk off their uncle's car.Everyone piled into the car and started driving back to the mystery shack.

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