Chapter 10:Bipper is back baby!

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    "Thad.........I.........uh........."Dipper hesitated.

"Yeah?"Thad asked.

'Do I really need to do this?'Dipper asked himself.

Bill shook his head.'No you don't have to.'He mouthed.

" you maybe wanna hang out with me tomorrow night?Maybe get to know each other better?"Dipper shruged.

"Totally!I mean....yeah!Do you want to meet up some at place or something."

"Uh,yeah!Let's meet up at the Mystery Shack?"

"Yeah!So um......8:00 sound good?"

"Yes!So see you then?"

"Sure!Bye!"Thad waved goodbye at Dipper and ran towards the other direction.

"That was so akward!"Mabel laughed.

Dipper elbowed Mabel in the stomach and walked toward the car.

"Ok,first of all OW!Second,I know you can do better than that Dipper!That conversation was so wierd."

"Hey!Cut me some slack!It's been awhile since I've been on a date...."Dipper blushed.

"Uh-huh.But oh Well.At least you got yourself a smoking hot date tomorrow night."Mabel said.

"I guess your right."Dipper chuckled.

"I am right."Mabel bragged as she entered the car,sitting down in the front seat.

Dipper did the same and noticed that it beginning to be sun down.Dipper sat in the back with Bill,who was sitting quietly in his seat.Bill looked out the window and said nothing the whole way back to the shack.((Hee Hee.....did you guys see what I did there?Did ya?))Dipper worried of course because Bill usually was asking questions non-stop or trying to seductively and sexily get Dipper on his nerves.Dipper thought was just wierd when they finally made it home.

Bill opened the door and slamed it closed and angrliy walked up the steps of the porch and entered the shack.Mabel looked at Dipper confused.Dipper just shrugged and entered the shack with Mabel besides him.Dipper walked up the stairs and opened the door the lead to a dark room.((It's night time)) Dipper turned on the lights and saw Bill already asleep in the bed.Dipper walked slowly over to the bed and changed really quick and turned of the lights,getting into bed.Dipper was super tired from the long day he had.He was about to pass out when he heard Bill murmur something.

"You promised me,Pine Tree."Bill whispered.

Then Dipper fell asleep.


🌙The next day:Nightime🌙

"I still don't think you should go,Pine Tree."Bill said.

Dipper and Bill have been fighting over half hour now and it was almost time that Thad came over to pick up Dipper.Mabel had told Dipper to wear something more fancy for this occasion.So,Dipper wore a blue flannel with a red undershirt with a pair of skinny jeans.And this time,for once Dipper wasn't wearing his hat.

"It's my life and decision,Bill.Your not my mom."Dipper said,sitting down on his bed.

"Yah,I know,but I just don't trust Thad!Plus,you promised me."

"I didn't promise you that Bill.I said I will try to stay away from him.-"Dipper said.

Bill sighed and shook his head."You're not going to that date."

"You can't make me,Bill."

"Oh yes I can."

"No you can't." Dipper checked the alarm clock and was five mintues left 'til eight.

"I need to leave."Dipper said,walking down the stairs. 

"Pine Tree! I swear to satan if you walk out that door,I'll make you regret it!"Bill shouted,from upstairs.

"Bill!I'm walking towards the door!"Dipper mocked Bill.

"Pine Tree!"

"I'm opening the door!"

"Don't do it!"

"I'm walking out the door!"Dipper said,stepping outside.

"I warned you,Pine Tree!"Bill yelled.

"Oh!I'm so scared!"

Bill ran downstairs and ran into Dipper.Dipper was prepared to meet the floor with his face,but opened his eyes and saw he was floating and saw his body lying on the floor.Dipper's body was moving and soon the body stood up.

"I warned you Pine Tree."Bill said,crossing his arms.

"I can't believe you did that Bill!" Dipper said floating around.

"Pine Tree I-"

"Bro Bro!Hey!"Mabel shouted behind Bill."Nice outfit!Good luck on your date by the way!"Mabel hugged him.

"Have fun!"Mabel said walking back inside.

"Mabel!That's not me!"Dipper shouted.

"She can't hear you."Bill smirked."Anyways,I have so many ideas on how to ruin your date and blow it off with Thad."Bill said,smiling.

Dipper groaned and face palmed himself.

"BIPPER IS BACK BABY!"Bill laughed.

A/N:I'm not really satifasted with this chapter but I hope you guys in enjoyed!Hopefully.......😅Anywho,I'll see you guys next Wednesday!Buh-bye!❤️💚P.S Do you guys think I should write a Septicplier fanfic?I really want to and I have so many great ideas!What do you guys think?

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