Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I thought about Logan, James and Carlos.

I know they're at the hospital with my body.

To tell you the truth..... I've never been there.

I never went to visit, me.

The question is, will I even be able to get to them? I guess all I have to do is try.

Opening the door, I walked though.

I entered a white room. I heard beeping.

It was loud, but then it had an echo to it, like it was close but at a distance.

Turning around the corner, I found three figures. One, sitting down on a chair close to a bed. One,

leaning against the wall. And the other looking out a window.

But then I saw my self.

I was laying down on the bed. A sheet pulled up to my chest. Tubes coming out of my nose. Other tubes and what not coming from other places. I had one hand across my chest, the other laying by my side. It had some of the tubes around it. But what I noticed the most about that hand was, another hand holding it.

Glancing over at the person in the chair that was holding my hand was Logan.

James, I noticed was looking out the window. And Carlos was leaning against the wall.

They all looked tired, and worn out. Also they had worry all over their faces.

Logan's held the most. His grip on my body's hand looked like it would hurt.

Looking down at my hand, I don't feel it.

I can't feel his hand. There's no tingling sensation. Nothing.

This is strange. Very strange.

"Logan." I called out to him.

Nothing. He didn't look up, he didn't even move. He didn't hear me.

"Logan!" I yelled.


No.... this can't be happening.

"Logan! Carlos! James! Someone?"

No.. no.. no.. no.. no.. no.. no.. no.

Walking over to him, I went to touch him. Went right through him. Still he didn't move.


This can't be happening...

It can't.

Not when I need them.

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