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June 17, 1897
Death of the Brooks' Twins

"Go in Jai or are you just a chicken?" Luke smirked as his twin brother shook his head.

"I'm not a chicken, you wouldn't go in there either" Jai defended himself.

Luke just huffed out a breath and looked at Jai, "We'll go in together okay?"

Jai nodded in agreement and they counted until they rushed through the door.

"This place looks like shit." Luke laughed as he smashed a lamp.

"Yeah, I know right." Jai agreed as he hit the wall with his ball bat. Dust filled the room as the two twins started to cough.

"Let's go down there." Jai pointed to a basement door.

"Alright, you first." Luke said.

Jai easily creeped over to the door and looked over his shoulder at Luke, who was nodding his head.

"Do it." Luke whispered as encouragement.

Jai flung the door open and sighed when he saw nothing.

"Let's check this out." Jai smirked, no longer scared of what was in the basement.

The twins walked in and went separate ways. A smashing sound was heard by Luke and he instantly ran towards the door.

"Jai? Jai, where are you?" But it was too late, he was already on the floor lying lifeless before he could look for his twin who was also lifeless.

|Stella's POV|

I groaned as I laid down on my new bed. In a new house. In a new town.

My parents made me move and they were staying the first night. My father was only going to be here when he had appointments with clients.

"Stella! Dinner is ready, wouldn't want it cold would you?" My mother shouted from downstairs.

I sighed and got off my bed and made my way to the our dining table. I didn't want to look at my father, I didn't even want to call him my father.

I made my plate and started walking upstairs before my dad stopped me.

"You're eating down here. As a family." He pulled my back and I tried pushing him away but his grip was too tight.

"Bitch." I mumbled underneath my breath as I sat down at the table.

"Excuse me?" My mom questioned as she placed her fork down.

"Nothing." I said, getting up from the table and going back up to my room.

I plopped back down on my bed and groaned loudly.

"You shouldn't be here." My head shot up to my doorway, a girl stood there. She looked as if she had a disease.

"This is my house, you shouldn't be here." I replied and walked up to her.

"Stella." She smirked.

I hadn't even told her my name, "How- how do you know my name?"

"You shouldn't be here." The girl said again. This time I groaned and rolled my head.

"Listen, you should just get home. Where is your mom?" I slightly closed my eyelids, I wasn't really on the mood for this.

"My mom's in the base-" The girl was cut off by a lady who looked around fifty.

She was in good shape.

"Adelaide come on. Don't bother our new neighbor." The lady said to the girl who's name was apparently Adelaide.

The lady smiled and looked up at me, extending her hand. "I'm Conceous."

I politely took her hand and shook, "I'm Stella."

Conceous seemed un-amused as she nodded, her attention back on Adelaide.

"You shouldn't be here, the basement is-" once again, Adelaide was cut off by Conceous.

"C'mon Addy, let's go bake some cookies. Nice meeting you, Stella!" Conceous waved and left my sight hopefully going back to her home.

As I sat down on my bed once again, I was interrupted by my mother.

Can I get some peace? I just moved here.

"Stella, your father and I would like to have a talk with you downstairs." My mom said in a stern tone.

"Can it wait for like.. 20 minutes?" I asked and pushed my face into my pillow.

"No, Stella, get up right now. You wouldn't want me to call you by your real name from downstairs would you?" I gasped and instantly got up from my bed and raced downstairs passed my mom.

I hated my real name. It was so so gross. My name is Stallion.

What the fuck!?

"Stallion my ass." I whispered under my breath and sat across from my dad, my mom quickly sitting beside him.

"Stella, I know this is hard for you. I know what I did was wrong but your mother and I are going fix this. We are going to fix this family." My dad started out, we've been through this before.

I rolled my eyes at the way he mentions him cheating.

"This isn't hard for me, Reynold. You know what is hard? For mom to believe you're going to be worth something after you ruined y'alls commitment of twenty years!" I snapped my fingers in front of their faces trying to get them to wake up.

My mother gulped and placed her hand on my father's forearm.

"Now Stell, I know what he did wasn't the best thing but if you love someone you stay with them no matter what." My mom blinked away the tears I saw in her glassy eyes.

She was originally going to divorce him but she couldn't bring herself to it.

I was tired of his shit so I decided to move away.

"Whatever, I'm done with this talk." I stood up from my spot but my dad grabbed my wrist.

"Stella, you better listen. This wasn't meant to happen. I didn't mean to cheat on your mother." His grip growing tighter and I einced in pain.

"Dad, let go!" I yelled at him and tried to pry his hand off of me.

He let go and his facials fell. "I'm sorry, Stell. Don't forget to take your medication." My dad said softly as he and my mother got up from their spots and went upstairs to my guest room.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't need medication to make me happy. I needed a person.

I went upstairs and this time, no one came in as I blared Therapy through my headphones.
Yes, no, maybe.
Based off of AHS but not exactly it..

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