Being a Kid with Divorced Parents

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Well here we go...

This is a chapter about what it is like to be a kid and having your parents become divorced.

A train. Hitting you at the fastest speed, faster than you can possibly imagine. That's what it felt like when I found out my parents were getting a divorce.

A punch to the gut.

Shot by a gun.

Getting hit head-on by a car.

All that probably would have hurt less than me finding out the future of my family and what was going to happen to it.

It started about 2 years ago when I noticed weird things going on. My dad and Pop (other father) were growing distant. The first sign was when they switched rooms. My Pop moved into my room and I shared with my sister. Now, my sister an I bickered on our room and so we got the master bedroom and my dad moved into my sisters old bedroom.

We had lots of room in the master so my sister didn't care. She sat listening to music and ignoring me but I had been noticing the wierd things going on in my household.

The bedroom move I payed almost no attention to, thinking that it was simply my Pop being too loud of a snore-er. But I payed attention to how they almost were never at home at the same time. They never spoke to eachother and so I got worried and upset and I told my Pop and he said nothing was going on and brought me to my dad and told my dad to tell him everything was okay and my dad said that and I went to lay with my dad and this happened.

"[My real name], I can't promise that Pop and I won't get divorced. It is a possibility that always lurks."

After that nothing really happened until this.

When I was on the big desktop I was going through pictures I just took and then I starting running into weird ones. Then, when I hit the mouse button a picture came across the screen that almost made me cry and vomit at the same time.

My Pop laying in a bed... naked... with another man.

I shut down the computer and ran to the bathroom with little time to spare and I threw up. After about five minutes of that I ran up to my room and cried. I couldn't believe what I just saw on that screen. I later found out that my sister found some Playboy magazines in my Pop's room later on after that.

After that occurrence, it was silent for a while, about 6 months, and then my dad kicked my Pop out of the house.

My Pop got a warning that he had 2 weeks to leave the house and take his stuff and find somewhere else to live. Of course that made me upset to see that he wasn't there any longer but what overruled the sadness was anger and distress. He was cheating on my dad on some stupid hair stylist and that made me angry and I felt I couldn't forgive him for tearing my family apart. So I had no regrets or sadness when he left.

Then come the court date to see who I will stay with (my dad) and all that wonderful (not) stuff!

Now it is today and I see my pop every other weekend and all that but I just want to say how it feels now.

I have had depression and it got worse and worse until I found these wonderful people who helped me to where I am now, A happy and healthy young boy ready to do anything! It hurts a lot at first but it does get better. It will hurt less and less and realization will come to you and you will understand. It's been hard for me because I still become depressed sometimes but I make it through. With the help of my friend named Theo. If you are reading this, thank you so much for the help you have given me and the support and love. You are one of my greatest friends.

I have had things come and go. My parents still talk with one another but no sign of getting back together ever again... and I am happy for that.

I now live in Houston with my dad and his boyfriend. I think they were meant to be together and they are as hapoy as can be.

My pop is just something else. I'm on a road to forgiveness with him and it has had lots of bumps and complete stops. But I am trying to learn how to love him again as I love my dad. Good Night!

-B.L. Aize

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