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***********Pinkie's POV***********

       I breathed in the distinct smell of blood, guts, and tears that was still in the air. It wasn't a surprise the scent was still so strong down here, after all it had only been a short amount of time since I had so brutally tortured Lyra until she reached the brink of survival and died. I smirked, thinking back to Lyra's screams of utter horror whilst watching her own intestines get ripped out of her lower stomach and wrapped around her neck, strangling her slowly but surely.
         Cruel, might be a way somepony other than myself might word it. Horrid, disgusting, sinful. But in my eyes, it was simply another day at Sugarcube Corner. I continued to clean up the mess, dragging a well-soaked washcloth over the perimeter of my tools. How else would I prepare for my next... well, visitor?
      A muffled sound came from above me. The bell hanging above the front door of the shop rang, indicating somepony had either just entered or exited the store. Clearly, I was in no condition to go see what was happening above me, so I just continued my work in my little hidden cellar of sorts.

******Applejack's POV******

    "Where'd ya'll want this cider again, Mrs.Cake?" I asked, looking around the small bakery.
     "Oh, please just put the cider by the birthday cake!" Mrs.Cake said in a frantic voice. "We're in quite the rush," she continued.
     I nodded, carrying the weight of a few gallons of cider in my hooves. I slowly made my way to the table, careful not to loose my grip on the edges of the large containers. As I dropped them by the table, there was a large thud, and I noticed something... strange to say the least.
      "Hey, uh, Mrs.Cake? Is there cement beneath this here floor?" I asked, curiosity in my voice.
       "Uh- I believe so? Not positive!" She responded, rushing around the store setting up the preparations for the upcoming party later today.
    "Where could Pinkie Pie possibly be?!" Mrs.Cake exclaimed, clearly in need of Pinkie's party expertise.
     "It's just that it seems that it's uh-
well, it seems to be hollow," I said, knocking on the floor with my hoof.  I got a small shrug in return, as she stared at her decorations. Mrs.Cake spun around and asked me if I thought it looked alright. I gave her a small nod and just decided to drop the topic of the floor, she seemed stressed enough.
     "Welp, I'll see ya'll at the party this evenin'!" I said as I walked out the door. Still, I wondered why it might be hollow beneath the bakery's floor. Maybe they had a basement I didn't know about? Or maybe they just had some storage under the store itself? I shrugged it off and made my way back to the orchard.
So yeah! First chapter is complete ^~^ I know it was pretty short, but there's more in store, I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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