Chapter 18 "Meeting the Protector"

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Darcy’s POV

It’s been a whole week since i was let out and Lillian hasn’t turned up, I’m seriously thinking she will never arrive here and i can’t explain everything to Niall and the others without her there with me. I haven’t left my house, causing Niall to stay here with me and i only have been sleeping, eating, visiting the horses and swimming in the heated pool outside.

Today is the first day back to school for me after a week and im a little nervous because i don’t really know what to except and what people will ask me. Rachel and Annie slept over here so we are all getting ready together for school while Niall, Jacob and Stefan wait downstairs for us to finish up.  Alice joined us as well so it was a full girl makeover.

Darcy’s Outfit-

Annie’s Outfit-

Rachel’s Outfit-

Alice’s Outfit-

“Looking great girls” Alice says hugging me tightly.

“I’m freaking out” I say sighing and Rachel hugs me.

“Everything will be fine, we will be with you the whole time” Rachel whispers and i nod. We walk downstairs and Jacob walks over and kisses Rachel on the lips while Niall snakes his arms around my small waist and pulls me into his chest, i place my hands on his chest and stare into his beautiful blue orbs.

Niall’s Outfit-

Stefan and Jacob are both wearing black jeans, white converse with red and blue shirts with Black jackets to over them and their backpacks hanging off their backs.

“Ready to go?” Niall whispers and i nod and we get into our cars and drive to school. As soon as i step out of the car everyone stares at me and Niall squeezes my hand tightly and guides me towards my locker and i take out my first three books and sigh.

“It’s weird how everyone is staring” I say and Niall growls quietly, clenching his hands.

“What do we have first?” Annie asks me and i look at my timetable.

“We have History, thank god we are all together” I say smiling then the bell rings and we walk to our home rooms first and sit down. Mr Watt comes in smiling holding some folders and says-

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