Chapter 1

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"You never loved me, it was all a lie!" Caroline cried. She quickly tore away from the entity who had betrayed her, angry with herself for ever believing such a being could ever fall for a mortal like herself.

"Caroline, wait! Our relationship may have started out as a lie, but my feelings for you have grown to become something more; Something real!" Jameson made to grab Caroline's arm, but she wrenched it out of reach.

"Don't touch me," She spat out, then she turned on her heel and took off.

Jameson fell to his knees as he watched his beloved run, away from him, and he wept."

I placed a slip of scrap paper from my worn backpack between the pages of my book, The Link Between Lovers, and closed it.

A sigh escaped my lips as my mind wandered back to Caroline and Jameson, her faerie lover.
No matter how many times I read their story, it continued to touch me deeply.

A few moments passed as I blissfully basked in the beauty of their fictional relationship, until I was harshly brought back to reality by a woman's voice breaking out on the intercom, announcing to the few customers present that the bookstore would soon be closing.

With a grunt, I pushed myself off the ground. Carefully, as to not bend even a single page, I placed one of my most cherished possessions inside the front pocket of my bag. I then carefully swung the old thing over my shoulder and took my time walking to the front of the small store.

When I got near the register, I saw Mrs. Keri locking the door, thinking all the customers had left. I cleared my throat, causing her to jump and quickly turn to face me.

"Amity Livell, you know better than to sneak up on a poor old woman!" She tried keeping a straight face as she talked, but a smile eventually broke through. I gave a huge smile back.

We went through the same thing every other day; It was routine. I would come to her small shop after school, and would become so extremely immersed in the distant worlds presented in my books, that I lost track of time. When I would finally regain my senses, it would be past closing time, and Mrs. Keri would almost always have to unlock the door for me.

"Good bye Mrs. Keri!" I wave to her as I step outside. For a moment I just stand there, breathing in the smells of the muggy summer evening. The sun was just beginning to set, and the sky was filled with a few dark gray clouds. Remembering I had to get home, I quickly crossed the road and kept a fast pace.

I was only a few blocks from my destination when I felt a few small drops of water land on my face and arms. I looked up at the sky and saw the rain fall. Suddenly, it started to pour down. I smiled to myself; I absolutely loved the rain! According to my research, it was when most otherworldly activity occurred in our realm; At least, that's when we had the ability to see it the most.

Let me help you understand; Most creatures from other realms, especially the Elves and the Fae, follow our lunar cycle. The sun does not welcome them into our world.  The sun's effect on our visible matter creates an interference with the behavior of the dark matter. In a sense, the light narrows our view of the other worlds. It does not cause them any harm, but simply pushes our worlds out of harmony with each other.
When it rains, the rays of sunlight hitting the earth are concealed by the clouds, allowing other realms to appear.

Sadly, no matter how hard I might try, I have never been successful in actually seeing any of these places or creatures  with my own eyes. So, I just stick to reading about them instead.

By the time I reach my salmon colored house, I'm soaking wet. I step onto the porch and wipe my feet on our old welcome mat. As I reach for the doorknob, it turns and the door is suddenly yanked open, leaving me standing face to face with her.

Jennifer, or as I like to call her, the (extremely) evil stepmother.  From the top of her perfectly curled blonde head to the bottom of her pointy black heels, she was the "perfect" wife, as my father liked to say.

Jennifer smiles at me, and ushers me inside. I scowl and push past her, heading upstairs to my room and slamming the door behind me. God, how I can't stand that woman. She thinks she could replace my mother! No way!

Thinking of my mom sobers me up immediately. After years of arguments, when I was only a measly 7 years old, my parents got a divorce. My mother left us, and fled the country with a coworker, leaving my father to raise me on his own. A few years later, when I was 13, he met Jennifer Smith, who was then the secretary at his dentistry. They dated for a little over a year before my dad popped the question. Now here I am, 16 years old, hating life.

The only thing that has gotten me through the years is my fascination with fantasy novels. It all started when I was young; I would often visit the library with my father, where his old friend, Kevin Bacher, worked. He would want to talk to Kevin, so he'd send me off to the children's section. At first, I would just sit on the floor, hoping we would leave soon. After a couple more visits, I finally decided to pick up a book and try reading it.

I now realize it was destiny when the first book I happened to pick up was The Wizard's Adventure. As I read, I fell in love with the characters, and wished I could also be a wizard. I sat in the same spot all day, glued to the book. When it was time to leave, I forced my dad to check the book out for me. I swear I must've read it over seven times during the week I had it. When it was time to return the book, I was completely devastated, until I realized I could check out another. Ever since then, I've been hooked. If the word fantasy is on the label, I've read it.

Coming back to the present, I take off my wet clothes and change into a pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt I find laying on the desk in my room. I push some papers off my bed and climb on. Setting my pillows against the wall, I get comfortable and grab my copy of The Link Between Lovers. My black cat, Maleficent, climbs up next to me, curling into a ball. Right as I open to the bookmarked page, I hear my dad's voice calling me downstairs.

I slowly get off my bed, and trudge downstairs. I go into the kitchen, and see my father and the witch waiting for me.

"What?" I snap out. I cross my arms over my chest, and frown.

"Amity, we have something we would like to tell you," my father's face becomes gentler, and he puts his hand on my arm. "Jennifer's pregnant! You're going to be a big sister!"

My jaw drops, and my hands fall to my sides. No. This couldn't be happening. Pulling away from my dad's grasp, I quickly turn on my heel and run upstairs. Collapsing on my bed, I let the tears fall.

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