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you sat there crying into your pillow when suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder and a familiar voice say...

"(y/n) are you okay" 

it was Lucy, you felt the bed curve down where she sat at the edge of your bed. looking up tears dripped down and onto your pillow leaving wet spots.

you look at your friend with wet eyes and a quivering lip.after drying  your tears and sitting up you tried to explain what had happened.

As you were telling her sobs broke through and sure enough you started crying again. Looking up at Lucy you noticed a bit of shock and sadness in here eyes as she pulled you into a hug. 

" It's okay(y/n)" 

she began as she patted your back. The two of you stayed like this for several moments  before she pulled away with  her hands on your shoulders. You gazed up to meet her stare an wiped  away the tears.

"What is it Lucy" 

you asked a little but curious due to the fact that she had excitement in her eyes.

" you know what I just remembered that master Maqarav had something important and he needs everyone in the guild to be there"

Lucy stood up and reached a hand towards you want to help you up. After wiping away the rest of your tears you smiled and took her hand and she pulled you up off of the bed causing you to almost fall over 

When you were ready to go Lucy took ahold of you wrist and pulled you excitedly to the guild hall.

After about five minutes you arrived and Lucy made you Waite a minute as she pulled her phone out and sent a message to someone.

" okay ready" 

She said and you have a little nod as the two of you walked towards Fairy tails huge doors.

When you opened the door it was pitch black. Confused you turned towards Lucy but she only pushed you forwards. 

" Lucy wha...." 

You were cut off sure to the fact that the lights came on and everyone jumped out and yelled....


Your hands clasped over your mouth as you felt the pressure of tears form behind your eyes an before you knew it you were crying

The guild was decorated in you favorite color, balloons , streamers and even the table cloth was (f/c)

" What's  wrong.... Don't you like it" 

Natsu asked as he stood in front of you with confusion covering his face 

"It's just t-that..." 

You began only to have a sob break through 


Natsu asked as he got a little bit closer as if he was going to hug you

" I thought that every forgot about my birthday and that no one cared about me"

You close your eyes and felt someone wrap their arms around you and embrace you in a hug, looking up you saw natsu give you a big smile and say

" Why would you think that, your the most important gild member, everyone grew up with you  so why would think something like that"

He asked. You were about to answer him only to be interrupted by happy who yelled 

" Let's get this party started" 

And so the party began. Everyone wore a smile including you as they laughed and ha fun like they always do when there's a party going on in the guild. Hours passed until you realized that Gray was missing and that you haven't seen him since he brought you bak to your room and fell asleep.

Looking around you saw Lucy sitting with Natsu and you started to head towards her only to be stopped by levy 

" Hey Levy..." You began 

" have you seen Gray, I haven't seen him since yesterday" 

A smile spread across her face.

" ya he said he had to do something important but he be back before the party ended" 

With what Levy just told you many thoughts went through your mains as to what he could be up to.


Hey guys I just want to say thanks for the votes and the views. I know I haven't updated for a bit but i'v been procrastinating a lot lately, but here you go thee next part in the story and don't worry Gray will appear in the next chapter with something really special for you. Well hope you enjoyed this part and please leave a vote and comment and ill try to update ASAP


Gray X Reader! birthday surprise -book one-Where stories live. Discover now