Battle Of The Bands

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I was standing backstage fiddling with the microphone to try and help to calm my nerves. It wasn't working. I was about to compete in Battle of the bands with my band Blue Rose. Our keyboard player is Perrie Edward, our drummer Danielle Peazer, our bass player my sister Eleanor Calder, then me Juliette lead singer and guitarist.

The band before us was just finishing up their set. My nerves where running high. Everything around me went jet black, my ears where ringing, I was shaking and sweating, m stomach in knots.

"Juliette," I hear a cute familiar British accent say. "Juliette, Juliette, snap out of it! We have to go on soon," I get out of my daze and look into the worried eyes of my sister, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, Ellie. I'm fine" I respond taking a shaky breath.

"Please give it up for Blue Rose!"

"Lets do this" Perrie says with a huge amount of confidence. We walk out onto stage me first followed by El, then Dani, then Perrie. We get in our positions then start by introducing ourselves.

"I'm Perrie"

"I'm Danielle"

"I'm Eleanor"

"I'm Juliette and we are Blue Rose"

We start playing Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar. After I sang the first verse all of my nerves lifted, and I was dancing around on stage. After the son ended the crowd exploded.

"Wow, just wow" the announcer says in awe "give another round of applause for Blue Rose! Now welcome One Direction!"

As I was just entering backstage I run into a boy. I look up and my eyes idmitily meet his. They are a very emerald green. He has curly brown hair. "I'm sorry, love"

"No, it's my fault. I'm sorry" I say

"I guess we are both kind of to blame. I'm Harry"

"Juliette, charmed"

"It was lovely to met you but I do need to get on stage now"

"Alright" He smile down at me and leans down and kisses me on the cheek then walks onto stage. 

I leave backstage and go try to find Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie in the crowed of people. Once I spot them in the crowd I head over to them. Once, I get to them the five boys are on stage are introducing themselves.

"I'm Niall" the boy holding the guitar says.

"I'm Louis" says the boy behind the keyboard

'"I'm Zayn" the boy behind the drums says.

Next, the boy holding the bass says "I'm Liam"

"I'm Harry" The boy from before says.

"And we're One Direction" they say in perfect unison.

They start singing You Found Me by The Fray. It's perfect their voices are amazing. I was in a complete trance. Those five boys where majestic.

I'm standing there in complete awe.  I didn't even know they stopped in till I saw them make their way over to me.

"You guys where amazing" Liam says; when they reach us

"It was seriously Wicked" Louis says

"Captivating" Zayn says

"Wonderful instrument playing" Niall says

"and singing" Harry says looking right at me.

I blush and bite my lip "thanks"

"Would you like to go for a walk?" Harry asks "so, we can talk and actually hear each other"

"What!?" I yell back. "Haha, just kidding! Yeah, lets go!"

He smiles at my stupid joke and grabs my hand and pulls me outside. Once we get outside we sit down by the bench that is right by the door.

"So, where are you from?" He asks

"I was born in the states" I begin "my family moved here when I was about 2 months old. I live in Manchester now. Yourself?"

"Born in Cherisher but I live here in London now" he says "Any siblings?"

"I have an older brother Jeremy he's 20. Then Eleanor she's 17"

"The Eleanor in your band?"

I nod "How about you?"

"Sister. Gemma. 21." He says "Parents?"

"Divorced when I was six. It was a hard time.  But they are both happier now"

"Yeah, I get that" He says looking into my eyes "my parents divorced when I was young too." I can se his eyes glisten because of tears that are forming. He starts to lean in and I do too. Then... 


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