Jerry the winkle: strikes back!!

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After the horrible death of Jerry his nipples where ripped from his balls and went up his speen, his mom hooked up with a handsome young winkle. The went to bed and did winkle things all night and in the morning a Jerry was born. When Jerry was born no one cares because he smelt like radish. Jerry had a bad side when people made fun of him. He would grow long feet and get long white fur. We know this as the yeti! No one wants to see the yeti because it rips vital organs and the toes off unready travelers in the woods .if you see the yeti call 1-800-777-7777 but remember its just a tiny winkle that lives in the woods sniffing fruit through its flavor snout. Jerry's mom still feeds him milk from her tits. But Jerry is a big perv who likes to watch kids play at the park. He follows this one winklet all around town all day. Jerry does weed with Johnny hopkins. They blaze it up all day. Jerry party's with John stemose and he talks about velociraptors on the weekends. He does karate in the garage almost every night. Jerry watches you when you sleep at night little ones. He cralls up your legg and licks ya silly.

Jerry the winkle: strikes back!!Where stories live. Discover now