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"Hey Zach! Lookin' good there."

It is official, I love motorbikes. The feeling of the wind blowing in my face is marvellous.

I look to see Danny on the sidelines cheering me as I do another lap of the course. I see someone standing next to him in a business suit but it's probably not important.

Two more laps and i'll be done for the day.

I remember how when I first told my parents that I wanted to ride a motorcycle.


"Hey mum, dad." I try to keep my tone even but my parents still look at me suspiciously.

"Hello, Zach." I can tell my mum is trying to figure out what I want. Probably because of the way I have a bead of sweat on my forehead.

"Zach, what do you want?" my dad questions me. His eyes are slightly narrowed trying to get me to talk.

"Um.." they are probably going to kill me when I tell them. I'm now having second thoughts as to whether I should or shouldn't tell them. Oh well here goes nothing. "Mum, dad. I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle."

My mum looked pale and I thought she was either going to have a breakdown or heart attack. Luckily she didn't.

Whilst my dad was glaring daggers at me like I made a sin.

Yea... good times.

It had taken me a while to get back on there good side and even longer when I got back on their bad side because I still learned how to ride the bike without their permission.

They almost kicked me out of the house.

That was four years ago, now at the age of 23 I have my personal bike and I don't need their permission to do anything. Just kidding, as long as I live with them, they're still the boss.

Danny still rides a motorcycle and we usually go to the race track about twenty minutes from where I live.

As I slow down my bike to get off, I spot Danny walking towards me with the business guy.

I fist bump Danny and shake hands with the business dude.

"Zach, meet Mr. Peterson," Danny introduced me to business guy.

"Hello," I say firmly.

Now that I look closely at the guy, he looks to be in his mid forties and has dark brown hair with a few strands of white. He is short and a little plump. He has a big nose and he's wearing glasses that make his forehead look bigger than it already is. He showed no emotions in his face and looked important.

"Hello, Mr. Bracksten, is it?"

"Uh... yeah. Nice to meet you..." Probably not one of my greatest starts but Mr. Peterson is just looking at me through his narrow glasses. "... Mr. Peterson?" I say, a little unsure.

Mr. Peterson grunts to confirm I got it right. He should really use his voice more often or people will start to think he has a speaking problem.

"Mr. Bracksten..."

"Just call me Zach," I say with sheepish smile. "Calling me Mr. Bracksten, makes me feel old."

"Well... Zach, I have an offer," Mr. Peterson waits, looking at me.

I raise an eyebrow and nod for him to go on.

"I want you to be in a commercial for my new brand of motorcycles."

I stare at him shocked, not expecting that.

In the corner of my eye, I see Danny staring at Mr. Peterson and me back and forth.

What just happened?



Not the best ending to the chapter but... Oh well. Hope you like it.

Remember to comment and like.

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