4-Kiss of Darkness

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ivypool's POV~~~

I woke up in a dark, misty place with one thing going through my head- I remember. It's endlessly drumming there, repeating and repeating until I go crazy. I remember what Bumblestripe did. He will pay.

I feel my claws scraping the slimy ground in frustration. Why the StarClan am I in this dump?

A voice suddenly cuts through the dark & silence, scaring me out of my fur. Not just because it was sudden. Because it's deep, dark and behind me. And it says, "Hello Ivypaw, ready for training?"

I'm glad he can't see the expression on my face, because it must be awful. I breathe deeply, trying to control the pure terror coursing through my veins. I know I need a plan. Hollyleaf said if I was able to gain his trust, I could hack the whole system. An evil smirk creeps on my face as I devise it.

"Hello Hawkfrost, I am going to do it today," I purr. I'm also going to be exactly what you want me to be, cold, dark and in totally in love until you fall for Ivypaw, and then you will be killed by the thing you most love.

I pad alongside the dark tom as close as I can without annoying him, answering each and every question enthusiastically. But the only thing going through my mind is I will kill you I will kill you. I don't care about him and I won't ever love him. Never.

"Ivypaw, what's your favorite thing to do?" He meows, catching me off guard. All his questions have been pretty basic with me answering vaguely until now. I thought he would pretty much ignore everything deep about me, just try to pull out the evil. I know what I should say, but I hate to lie, even to Hawkfrost.

I lie anyways. "Oh," I giggle lightheartedly, hoping it covers any other expression, "I enjoy battles and blood on my claws, it must be my favorite!" His eyes widen noticeably as expected, but I pretend to ignore it. Pretend. I think I'm going to be doing a lot of that. Pretending to be Ivypaw. Pretending to love the dark tom. Pretending to be evil. Pretending at life.

"I wish you were my mentor!" I burst out, earning curiosity from the brown tom. Wait, who was my mentor? Mouse dung, I'll try to ignore that. "I mean, uh, you're so much stronger and attractive than, uh, Berrynose!" I stutter, trying to pick a random ThunderClan cat.

"What are you talking about?" He growls, stopping abruptly so I almost run into him. Oh geez, does he know who my mentor was? -_- Probably.

"Your mentor is Cinderheart!" He growled, and my face fell. Mouse dung.

"Uh, sorry!" I laugh, forcing a blush to my face, " This air must be messing with my head!" I'm praying that he believes it, and a tip of his head confirms he bought it.

"Are you sure it wasn't me?" He grins, a dazzling smile I didn't know existed. It seems to lighten the thick air around me, around us. Moments ago, I still thought of him as a heartless beast, no better than the rats that scurry around here. But what if I was wrong?

"Not funny?" He purrs, my head jerking up. My eyes widen. I hope I didn't offend him...
That would end in certain death. But as I take in his tone of voice, and I realize, to my relief, he was joking.

"No, no!..." I begin, but trail off. What to tell him? Obviously not the truth. "I just kinda was thinking..."

I shake my head as I feel a blush creep up on my face. He only coughs and walks on, leaving me confused, with a fluttery feeling in my chest.

Stop! I mentally scream at Hawkfrost, anger built up inside of me, Stop confusing me! Just be your evil self so I can kill you! I want no regrets, so let me leave this place with your blood on my claws and nothing touching this slimy ground that I ever loved. Just STOP!!!!

And with that I wake up.

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