Chapter 1

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"I remember it vaguely, yes, it was a Friday morning when 18 year old Sarah trailed up the stairs of Harrisville's biggest mall. She was in such hurry that she took no notice of a shadow lurking in corners and wherever she went."

Sarah's P.O.V

"I'm sorry I know you're not meant to be late on the first day but there was just so many passengers on the 8:00 train I had to take the 8:30 one. I'm incredibly sorry ma'am," I stuttered as I fell onto the counter of my new workplace. I grabbed the nametag off the hook and dropped my bag into the worker's storage room. After realizing neither one of my co-workers had opened the store up I rushed towards the two doors and unlocked the key. Just as I moved aside, our first 3 customers showed up. I went to work straight away, showing people where they could change, advertising our opening sale prices and checking out people's items.

After what felt like an eternity of my life, my favorite time of day had finally arrived; lunch. I quickly gathered everyone's money and took down what each wanted and worked my way to McDonalds to order. We decided instead of giving one person the responsibility of looking after the store while we're away, we thought that it would be better if we had lunch together round the back, on the left hand side, near the storage rooms. While everyone was eating I came up with an idea for us all to get to know each other better. "Let's play a game, we pick a partner and ask each other 5 questions, how does that sound?" Everyone buddied up and asked questions, laughter rose to the air as each found common interests and joked around about silly things.

There were a large number of customers going in and out of the store each purchasing different amounts of clothing and apparel. Soon enough we ran out of the new holographic sunglasses and the white skater skirts, luckily there was one last box of each. Miranda, the store owner, had no idea that they'd be such a big hit that she only ordered two boxes, as she told Gaby to place more orders, I went round the back to find the boxes. I moved my hand in the darkness trying to find the light switch and after hopelessly waving my hand all over the wall I had found it. As I turned around to find the boxes I saw a pink glow coming from a loose floorboard. Out of pure curiosity, I lifted the board up trying to get a better look at the light.

My eyes were almost blinded as I grabbed the loosened floorboard off and put it aside. The light was bright pink at first but gradually faded into a lighter pink at the other end. I was about to stick my hand inside when Julie, my friend who I made plans with after work, called out for my name. I quickly returned her call and put the floorboard back into the hole and grabbed the two boxes. My shift for the day had come to an end and I was exhausted, yet eager to find what the heck was really underneath that floorboard. I said goodbye to my new co-workers and friends, grabbed my bag and waltzed away from the store with Julie.

"Sooooo, how was work today?" she says with a smile, bright as usual. I then ventured into telling everything that had happened including the strange light beneath the floorboard. She listened with so much interest and did not, even for one second drop eye contact. She told me to take a better look at it tomorrow, which I agreed to because it had caught a lot of my attention. Possible answers began to swarm inside my head, my imagination taking flight as I drown in my own little world. I'm sure Julie was telling me her opinions and objections on today's political news update, which 5% of my attention was focused on. 

Julie and I both took the bus back to our unit and proceeded to talk about many things, boys, tumblr, One Direction etc, as we usually do. Then our usual everyday routine took place as we ate dinner, watched movies, showers and bedtime. I was so tired I could sleep standing up as I brushed my teeth, but once my head collided with the pillow, my mind seemed to have adventures of its own, exploring new thoughts, imaginations and fantasies. It took forever but my brain seemed to have had enough and decided it would take a rest before it began its usual works tomorrow.

{a/n: very short chapters in this story because it's not as long but also not as short. Don't worry it's not like After long xD anyways hope you like it :) add it to your library and follow me to get updates :D }

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