Chapter 29: Girls' lunch with Libho?

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I woke up earlier than usual, around 7 am. I usually sleep in until 10 or 11 on weekends and holidays, but today was different and I'm so tired yohh.

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face. After that, I walked into my spacious walk-in closet to pick out an outfit for my lunch with Libho later around 1pm.

With my outfits sorted, I headed downstairs to the kitchen. Sis Amanda, was already busy in the kitchen. The delicious smell of freshly baked muffins filled the air, making my stomach growl with hunger.

"Sawubona, Sis Amanda!" I exclaimed, giving her a warm smile.

"Sawubona nawe sisi!" she replied, her eyes twinkling with warmth. "Woza ungisize ngalama muffins." [Come help me with these muffins.]

I eagerly joined Sis Amanda at the kitchen counter. She handed me a bowl with flour, sugar, and other dry ingredients. "Can you please mix these together for me?" she asked.

I nodded and began measuring out the ingredients. As I was about to add an excessive amount of salt, Sis Amanda gently stopped me.

"Whoa, bamba kancane, Sisi! Not that much salt. Amathisipuni amabili nje azokwenza." [....hold on...Just two teaspoons will do.]

I laughed, relieved that Sis Amanda had caught my mistake. "Thanks, Sis Amanda! I guess ngisavuka." [I'm still waking up.]

Sis Amanda smiled and asked, "Kungani uvuka ekuseni kangaka namhlanje, ujwayele ukulala kuze kuse. [Why are you awake so early today? You're usually sleeping in until late morning ]

I chuckled and replied, "There's a first time for everything, Sis Amanda."

Sis Amanda smiled slyly and said, " Your first time was definitely amazing."

We continued baking and chatting. As we slid the muffin tray into the oven, I asked Sis Amanda about her daughter. "How's your daughter doing, Sis Amanda?"

Sis Amanda beamed with pride. "Oh, she's doing great, Sisi! She's in her first year of university, studying to be a criminal lawyer."

I smiled, and Sis Amanda added with a grin, "And you know what's funny? She's already mastered the art of arguing her way out of doing chores... I'm pretty sure she's going to make a fantastic lawyer one day!"

We both burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all. It was moments like these that reminded me why Sis Amanda was my favourite- she always knew how to make me smile.

As we were sliding the last muffin tray into the oven, my mom walked into the kitchen, looking refreshed after her morning routine. She was taken aback to see me already up and about, helping Sis Amanda with breakfast.

"Haibo Nanayemhle!," my mom exclaimed, raising an eyebrow. "What's the occasion?"

I smiled mischievously and repeated what I had told Sis Amanda earlier, "There's a first time for everything, Ma."

My mom chuckled and laughed, "I guess so! I'm loving this new early-riser version of you."

I laughed, " No just enjoy it while it lasts it's only for today "

We all laughed then Sis Amanda and I started setting the table, putting out plates, utensils, and glasses. My mom helped us arrange the breakfast spread.

As we sat down to eat, my dad walked into the dining room, looking a bit sleepy. He was also surprised to see me up and about so early.

"Ngcolosi, ngicela uhlole ukuthi ilanga liphumile ngakwesokudla yini ," my dad joked, pretending to be shocked.[please check if the sun rose in the right side]

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