Auntie Claire takes it easy

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Claire looked down at Charlotte sitting on the floor and took note of the primrose yellow baby dress, how appropriate she thought. Up until recently using Charlotte had been an act of primal sexual satisfaction but now the power dynamic was beginning to manifest itself. She was beginning to appreciate a feeling of power that she had never had before. 'If you are a good girl for me I will let you stay up later' she told Charlotte and parted her legs. She smiled, there was a look of lust on Charlotte's face that would ultimately be frustrated. Most men had been unkind to her in her life, her Father, her no good husband, her only male cousin, now deceased, had been a bully and Charlotte in her previous life had been rude. She had decided she was going to denigrate Charlotte, payback for every male who had abused her whether physical or psychological. Of course she knew that Charlotte got off on humiliation but Claire was going to take it further but for now Charlottes head was between her legs and she was going to enjoy the first part.

Charlotte had moved her head in slowly, she wanted to drink in the sight of pristine white panties with black stocking tops and suspenders. Auntie Claire's hands resting gently on Charlottes head guiding her in. Auntie was never really rough even in the throws of a climax. Charlotte wanted to get hard,  her little winkie was tingling but between the hormones suppressing testosterone and the nappy crushing his little one between his legs it was not going to happen. Charlotte was resigned to that, sometimes she was allowed to pleasure herself in the shower if she could manage it, sometimes she could, but she suspected that this week it would not be allowed, little girls don't do that she would be told. Claire climaxed earlier than usual, she was thinking about what she had planned later but now it was only just past 6 so there was no rush. Auntie decided that there were few pleasures in life as good as getting sexual satisfaction without having to work for it. She looked down at the head of her live vibrator and thought that she must get one of her own. There she was at a loss, how does one find a sissy? A second climax hit.

Claire had been told where Charlotte's bedtime milk drink was and what was in it. It had the daily hormone dose and a sleeping draught. Claire was advised that Charlotte would be asleep less than half an hour after taking it so she decided that it would be given later. Charlotte had never given a thought to why she fell asleep so quickly, she just assumed at the end of a busy day being a maid she was so exhausted sleep came quickly. This week, however, not only was she not doing much in the way of maid work she was also going to bed a lot earlier but seemed to be more tired once in bed. One compensation, though, was the strawberry milkshake at bedtime, she had always loved milkshakes, she didn't get them as a maid. What was unsettling was wetting her nappy, she had not wet at night since she was a small child, it had only happened once so far but it was in the back of her mind.

The one night that Charlotte had wet was because Emma had put a diuretic into her milk. She and Erin had no plans to do that again yet, it was just to put Charlotte on the back foot. In the future, however, it might be used again with the object of getting Charlotte nappied at night by her own request, Emma was good at thinking long term.

Claire looked at the clock, time to get Charlotte up to her bedroom and get Part 2 of the evening underway. She gently pushed Charlotte's head from between her legs, adjusted her wet panties and said to Charlotte 'time to go upstairs Charlotte'. Charlotte was clearly upset thinking she might be allowed to stay up later 'have I not been good enough Auntie?' Auntie looked down while drying Charlotte's face with tissues 'of course you have dear but we have not finished yet'.

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