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**Chapter 14: Kenji Visited**

The afternoon sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the small living room as Max sat on the floor with Kota. Kota, surrounded by a scattering of toys, was busy banging a stuffed dinosaur against the floor, giggling in delight with each thump. It had become a routine for the two of them—quiet afternoons spent playing and bonding.

Max, sitting cross-legged next to his son, was sipping his second cup of coffee for the day when the sound of a knock echoed through the apartment. He glanced at the clock. “Kenji’s early,” he muttered, standing up and walking over to open the door.

Sure enough, Kenji stood there, grinning his usual laid-back grin, wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans that looked slightly too casual for anyone else but suited his carefree personality. “Yo, Max! Thought I’d drop by and see my favorite little dude,” Kenji said, stepping inside.

Max chuckled. “You mean Kota?”

“Well, yeah, I guess you’re kinda cool too,” Kenji teased, giving Max a light shove as he kicked off his shoes and walked further into the living room. His eyes lit up as they landed on Kota, who was now staring up at him with wide eyes.

Kenji knelt down and picked Kota up effortlessly, lifting him into the air. “Hey, buddy! Look at you, getting bigger every time I see you!”

Kota squealed in delight, his tiny hands reaching out to grab Kenji’s face, his high-pitched laughter filling the room. Kenji responded by tickling Kota’s sides, causing more fits of laughter.

Max, standing back and watching the scene unfold, couldn’t help but smile. There was something about the way Kenji interacted with Kota that was so natural, so easy. And for a moment, Max found himself struck by how similar they looked—the same dark hair, the same playful grin, even a hint of the same mischievous spark in their eyes.

Before he could stop himself, Max blurted out, “You know, Kenji, you kinda look like Kota.”

Kenji’s hands froze mid-tickle, and for a split second, his expression faltered. There was a strange pause, one that Max wasn’t expecting. But then Kenji let out a nervous laugh, too loud and too quick. “Haha, yeah right, man! I mean, I’m way better looking, but I guess he’s got my cool factor going on, huh?”

Max raised an eyebrow, sensing the odd tension but not quite sure what to make of it. “I’m serious, though. I never really noticed it before, but now that I think about it…”

Kenji quickly changed the subject, bouncing Kota in his arms as if nothing had happened. “This kid’s gonna be a heartbreaker when he’s older. You’re gonna have to keep an eye on him, Max! Girls are gonna be lining up.”

Max shook his head, deciding to let the moment pass. “Yeah, well, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, I just need to make sure he eats his veggies.”

Kenji laughed, though there was still something slightly off in his demeanor. He gently set Kota down on the floor, ruffling the boy’s hair before standing back up. “So, how’ve things been? You surviving the whole ‘dad’ thing?”

Max shrugged, running a hand through his hair. “It’s been a lot, but I’m getting the hang of it. Still feels surreal sometimes, but I guess that’s normal.”

Kenji shoved his hands into his pockets, nodding. “Yeah, man. You’re doing a good job. I mean, Kota’s happy and healthy. That’s what counts, right?”

Max smiled, glancing down at Kota, who was now crawling over to his toy box in search of something new to play with. “Yeah, I guess so. It’s just… sometimes I wonder if I’m doing enough, you know? Like, I didn’t ask for this, but now that I have it, I can’t imagine life without him.”

Kenji’s gaze softened, his usual playful demeanor slipping away for a moment. “Max, you’re doing more than enough. And Kota’s lucky to have you.”

Max wasn’t used to hearing Kenji sound so sincere, and it caught him off guard. “Thanks, man. That means a lot.”

There was another brief pause, and then Kenji cleared his throat, snapping back into his usual lighthearted mode. “Alright, enough with the sap. What’s for lunch? You know I didn’t just come over for quality time with you, right?”

Max laughed. “Of course. I figured you’d show up hungry.” He walked over to the kitchen. “I’ve got sandwiches, but they’re nothing fancy.”

“Hey, food’s food,” Kenji said, plopping down on the couch while keeping an eye on Kota. “I’m good with anything.”

As Max prepared lunch, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off with Kenji. The way he had reacted to the comment about looking like Kota had been strange—too defensive, too quick to brush it off. It was probably nothing, Max told himself. Just Kenji being Kenji.

Still, the thought lingered in the back of his mind as he set the sandwiches on the table and joined Kenji and Kota for a casual afternoon meal.


The rest of the visit went by smoothly, with Kenji cracking jokes and keeping the atmosphere light. But as Max watched him play with Kota again before leaving, he couldn’t help but wonder: What was Kenji hiding behind that nervous laugh?


*End of Chapter 14.*

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