And that's when all hell broke lose

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The hot summer sun shone down on the cool waves of the pool. Today. Trevor insisted that we go to the pool - his little girlfriend must be here. Ricky sat on the lawn chair chatting to Alicia, nothing new there. they seemed to be inseparable lately. Everyone else was in the water goofing off, or in Sam's case ogling hot girls in skimpy bathing suits.

"You're no fun Ryleigh." Jc complains, swimming over to me.
"Oh?" I say with a tad of sarcasm.
"You're not swimming."
"Is that a problem?"

Jc looks at me with a small smirk, pulling himself up on the bar on the side of the pool, drenching me in water. he lefts himself up and kisses me slightly before pulling me into the cold water. Us going under the water, the chlorine burning my eyes and nose. I resurfaced, gasping for a breath. Jc laughs his adorable laugh, I shake my head and splash him. That wasn't exactly a good idea, considering it turned into a huge splashing fight that Kian, Sam, Trevor Connor and Ricardo joined in.

"Stop splashing you idiots!" A red head with blonde streaks yells, looking annoyed.
"Bitch much?" I mumble, stopping the splash fight.

The girl rolls her eyes and walks over to a lawn chair, something about her was familiar. In a peculiar way.


"I will so beat you in this round Rylee." Kian says, shaking his head determined.

For the past hour Kian and I have been playing basketball - since everyone else is busy. Jc had to go somewhere with his family, Trevor is asleep, Connor and Ricky went out somewhere and Ricardo is out with Sam doing lord knows what. Guess I wore them out..

"Not if your life depended on it, Lawley." I smirk at him.

He looks at me and smiles, tossing the ball towards the hoop - only to have it bounce off the side at the last minute.

"Dammit." Kian mutters, "I'm starting to think you have some kind of superhero powers."
"If I did I wouldn't tell you." I joke, sticking my tongue at him.

The hot sun-rays were beating down on our skin warning us that we should put sunscreen on. Kian sat down on the cement driveway, in front of the basketball court.

"You know, Jc is defiantly lucky." Kin comments, looking at me with a sly smile.
"Oh?" I question, sitting down next to him.

I couldn't help but notice the twinkle in his eye when he looked at me, or the certain smile he only had when he dated Andrea. Andrea Russet, no one is sure what happened between them - but it rumored that Kian cheated on her, or that Andrea cheated on him with Jc.

"You're a one-of-a-kind girl. You defiantly don't take shit from others, you're athletic and.." He trails off for a second. "You're absolutely beautiful."

He eyes search mine for a split second before leaning in.. and kissing me. The world stopped for a minute - then guilt hit me like a hammer.

"Kian-" I say pulling away, only to be cut off by the unmistakable voice that belonged to Jc.
"Kian, you're a dead man."

And that's when all hell broke lose, Jc pushed Kian to the ground with a punch to the nose. Blood trickling down his face. Kian doesn't hesitate to punch him back.

"Now you know what it feels like!" Kian yells at Jc, throwing him on the ground.
"Stop it!" I yell, getting in between them, only to get socked in the face myself. My body flys back onto the hard cement, my head aching from hiting the ground so hard. It was Jc, his face was twisted into guilt and anger. Realizing that he hit me sent him spiraling over to me. I push him away with all my strenghth and get up, my nose was bleeding badly and I could already feel the black eye forming.

"Ryleigh-" Jc pleads.
"Save it Caylen, we're done."
"What happened here?!" Jc's mom says, coming out of the house - everyone trailing behind her.
"Ask them."

With those final words I grab my skate-board and head to Alicia's house, not waiting for her to follow.

Ah. So that was a short dramatic chapter.. Oh well. So, do you guys think Jc & Ryleigh will get back together or do you think Kian and Ryleigh will get together? Also, No disrepect to Andrea I love her - but Kiandrea aren't together in this particular story. (: Seriously sorry that it's short. But I needed to end it there!

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