Part 1

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# Pic is of Jasper #

Jasper White POV

I was sitting on my bed in the much to big room trying to get healthier. My family was coming back from a short vacation tonight from Twin Peaks and I was excited. I wanted to go but I didn't want to ruin their fun by being sick so I stayed home. 

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I grabbed my phone quickly, looking at the caller ID I saw it was Mom.

"Hello." I was horsed out.

"Hi Baby! How are you feeling?"

"I feel better than yesterday."

"Aw, don't worry the plan has about another 30 minutes until landing so we'll be home in about a hour and half. I will make you my famous chicken and noodle soup!"

"Thanks mom, you're the best. How is Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, and Aunt Sarah?"

"Well you know your father, he is as nervous as a Chihuahua. And Dad is pasted out snoring like there's no tomorrow. Mom is in the bathroom twenty-four/seven. So its just Sarah and I gossiping about coworkers."

I laughed. 

" Oh ok I see. Sorry honey I have to get off we're experiencing turbulence and your father is freaking out. I love You."

"I love you too, bye Mom."


I closed my eyes. Slowly drifting back to asleep.


~4 hours later~

I woke up to someone shaking me softly.

"Mom?" I groaned out groggily.

"No Dear. It's me, Ms. Apple." I heard a sweet voice say. Ms. Apple was my Grandma's best friend.

I opened my eyes to a very, very sad Ms. Apple. It looked like she had been crying. 

"What's wrong Apple?"

"Sweetheart I have sad news...there was an accident and the privet plane your family was on crashed... killing everyone on board." She started to ball into tears. 

I sat there blank and then everything crashed at me all in one second.

 'My family they're all gone... I'll never see them again. I'll never hug my Mom, never have long talks with Dad, never hear Grandpa's snoring, never eat grandma's peach cobbler, or never hear Aunt Sarah's silly laugh again. I am all alone.'

I cried and cried for hours. Regretting every mistake I had did to them, regretting every thing I should have done.

The next day there was a funeral held for my family, and right after I was told I had inherited all the insurance money, the house, and Dad's company. I had become a multi-billionaire, I felt sick. 

That night I decided to move out of the house and move across country. I was going to start a new life.


~One Month Later~

I had sold the house at last and had everything donated to charity that I no longer needed. I bought a nice house down in South California in a small town called Forest Hill. I was leaving tomorrow morning and catching the train express all the way to San Francisco where I would then buy a car and drive to  Forest Hill. The train ride was going to take about a week and the drive to Forest Hill would take a day or two.

" Oh I'm going to miss you so much Sweetheart." Ms. Apple hugged me tightly.

" I'm going to miss you too Apple." I hugged her back.

" Be careful and if anyone gives you a hard time call me I'll beat their little asses."

"Apple!" gasped at her.

"I will." she smirked devilishly. She may be old but she has a hell a lot of spunk.

We gave are last goodbyes before I went to bed. I won't be able to see her tomorrow because the train left at 5 O'clock am which also meant that I had to leave around 3:30 am. Time to get some sleep even though I couldn't.

I was slowly adjusting to life here in Forest Hill. I had all the furniture moved in and placed exactly how I wanted it. It was a small house. Two bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen, dinning room, and living room. Just the way I liked it, small. I was going to start school in a week so I had a lot of shopping to do. Next stop Target then Macy's.

I have to buy food, school supplies, clothes, and maybe get a new skateboard. I donated a lot of my old clothes because they reminded me too much about my family and they weren't my style. My style was skinny jeans, rock band t-shirts, hoodies, and converse, a typical skater outfit. I bought everything fairly quickly. I wasn't the type to shop 'til I dropped.

I was really nervous and scared. I was like a stranger in a strange land here. Forest Hill was a quiet town so unlike the busy streets of Chicago. But I like it. I liked it a lot... more than I had imagined. Maybe I could get use to living here.


~ One Week Later ~

I pulled into the school's student parking lot. I had a hard time trying to find a space. When I finally pulled into one, I turned off the engine and just sat there with my hands on the wheel. I was scared... no I was terrified. I took a few breaths trying to calm myself down. When I finally felt collected, I got out of the car very slowly. I closed the door and locked it. I slowly made my way inside the school.

When I entered I saw a swarm of teens standing around talking to each other in their own groups. The Jocks, the cheerleaders, the geeks, the nerds, the preps, the stoners, the skaters, and the goths. Quickly I made my way through the swarm and into the Main Office. I went straight to the desk lady.

"Excuse me but I just moved here and I don't have my schedule or any idea how to get around here. May I please have some help." I asked very nervously.

"Oh! You must be Jasper White. God if I knew you were this cute I would have made you illegal." the sweet old lady said. I blushed like a madman.

"Yes Ma'am." She reminded me of Apple.

"Here is your schedule and you will have a student guide help you around." She turned around after handing me my schedule.

'Dimitri Corvette please come to the main office.' the income said. I heard a bunch of O's from the students outside.

The door suddenly slammed open revealing a tall and handsome jock.

"What do you want now Barbra?" he said in a very pissed voice.

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