Chapter 11

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Anthony's eyes sluggishly opened, he squinted at the sunlight coming through the window, that was making his already prominent headache worse. He slowly rolled onto his back, running a hand over his face. His face scrunching up from the pain, as his eyes surveyed the room; He didn't recognise where he was.

In a state of tiredness, pain and confusion, he sat up on his elbows, trying to replay last nights events in his head, but most of it was a blur. He sat up fully and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, a yawn escaping his mouth. He removed the blanket from over him and swung his legs round onto the floor. He noticed the glass of water that was sitting on the coffee table and reached forward for it. He sat back against the couch and took a sip, even though it was tepid, he didn't care, considering how dry his moth and throat were; He drank the whole glass.

He tried getting up, falling back again when a wave of nausea, and the pain from the pounding headache hit him. He shut his eyes tight, holding his head. He gave himself a few minutes before slowly standing up again. He made his way over to the door, his body was sore and tired, making it a little difficult to walk. He opened the door and looked out, seeing a light around the rim of the door that was across from him; He walked over and slowly pushed it open.

Ian was scrolling through his laptop in the kitchen. He picked up his coffee mug and took a sip, his attention still on the screen. He looked up when the door suddenly opened, and a disheveled looking Anthony walked in.

Anthony walked in, seeing Ian standing at the island on his laptop, drinking coffee; Their gazes met.

"Oh," was all Anthony got out.

"Morning. How you feeling?" Ian asked, sitting his mug down on the counter.

"Like shit." Anthony replied.

"Yeah, you were pretty out of it last night."

Anthony rubbed his head from the pain.

"Here," Ian said, moving away from the counter and over to a cabinet. "You should probably take some pills."

He got the pills from down and made his way over to Anthony, taking his glass and handing him the packet. Anthony moved and sat down on one of the stools. Ian filled up his glass, then gave it back to him.

"Thanks," Anthony mumbled. He took a couple pills, using the water to down them.

"So, where am I?"

"This is Jake's house," Ian answered.

Anthony furrowed his brow, "How did I even get here?"

"Well that part I'm not too sure on. I answered the door and you were there drunk. What I want to know is, what happened to you? You stopped drinking months ago."

Anthony leaned on the counter, putting his head in his hands. "Ugh, I don't know. It just seemed like the best option at the time."

There was a few minutes of silence.

"So.....what was that all about yesterday, at the office?" Ian spoke.

Anthony was still looking down, he closed his eyes and exhaled. Slowly opened them again, and sat back up against the chair.

"I don't know. That song just came on, our song, and I was just hard for me I guess. But I'm sorry I got mad, if you're happy with Jake then I shouldn't interfere."

"Yeah...." Ian said with hesitance to his voice, giving a small half hearted smile and a look of understanding.

"On that topic, where is Jake anyways?"

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