Revenge Isn't Always Sweet

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This is my first story and it may have some wrong words and yeah stuff like that. hope you guys like it/ love it and please #nohate



It should never have gone so far! I am not such a person. I had to do the right thing. The flames glowed from the windows. I had to enter the house again!

Finally I was accepted. Finally, there were some who were alike me. Someone with the same ideas as me. It felt good to be appreciated. I now had a reason to get up every morning thanks to the gang. school life has never been that easy. Here in the gang I've never been bullied or called ''monkfish'','' Gay'' or'' albino''. I've never been hit or pushed. Because here in the gang, there was no Abdullah morakolu.

Abdullah was the biggest bully of them all. He had always been after me. When I see Abdullah's face it feels like my body is burning inside. It grows a hate in me. I promised myself that one day I will revege myself on Abdullah. Fortunately I met Carl. He was the one that changed my life. he was the one who introduced me to this wonderful gang. The gang and me liked us in the city. It were our place. where we could be ourselves and relax. I'm learned more and more everyday of being in the city than to be in the miserable world that I call school. I feel that my life has more worlds. a world with this gang, Carl and co, as I call them, a big lonely world at home and a miserable world at school, but sometimes life just like that. After a long relaxing day in the big city with Carl and co I had to go to the lonely world home. I haven't had much contact with my mother after my father died. I went to my room and tried to get some sleep.

''BEEP, BEEP'' it was a text message from Carl ''be ready at 11 PM You will get your revenge.''

What did Carl mean by that, maybe we were going to bother old Joe who caught me last time? i turned around and were so excited. I wanted to go out.

'' TUT TUT!'' I looked out the window it was Carl and co. I ran out, sat me in the car and asked - "what are we going to do? '' You will get your revenge'' said Carl and then there was silence. '' What would happen to this mysterious plan'' I thought?

Carl stopped the car and we began to walk. I had a feeling about where we were going. A car drove past with a foreign driver and passengers. The thoughts of were we or what we were going to do bounced around in my head. The gang stopped in front of a house. I saw a small sign that hung at the doorbell '' welcome to the family Morakolu''. Now there was no doubt where we were now.

the wind howled and I began to freeze. I felt that there were bad things that were going to happen now. Carl took a black spraybox and began to tag'' negro'' on the front of the house. then dirked up the main door to the house and went in with the gang. what was the next Carl was going to do? I felt a huge clump stuck in the throat. my pulse was sky high. we just breaked into a house! Carl started to drain something that looked like resembled water, but smelled strongly like acid around the house. my head was about to explode when I realized what was about to happen. I looked into the eyes of Carl and felt lonely, unhappy and Evil dark. '' The revenge is yours!''said Carl before he fired his lighter and dropped it on the floor. '' Out!'' Shouted Carl before he and the gang stormed out. I did'nt hesitate either. I was like lightning out the door. The flames spread around the house.

Then I just turned around and for a moment the world stopped

This had gone too far! flames glowed in the rooms.

I heard a sound inside of the house! I caught a glimpse of a shadow in the window. it was a crying child. I had to enter the house. I had to save the child. i went in.

And I began following the sound of the crying babies cry after help. planks fell like snow from a huge landslide. Finally, I was there, but it was not a good sight. There lay a dying life with a plank over it. Despite all the smoke I could see that it was him. It was Abdullah. I could see in his eyes that he recognized me. I tried to remove the plank from him, but it was hopeless. I heard the crying child. Abdullah pointed towards the baby. it was'nt difficult to know what he ment. I lifted up the child and saw against the dying abdullah. the flames had spread around the outside of the room.

I had to jump out of the window with a child in my arms, everything became black. I could'nt think that we did this. I could'nt think that i had to jump out of the window. the only thing that i could think of now was that I kinda got my revenge. but sweet, was it not... 


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