"I don't understand? What do you mean famous?" I stuttered
If they knew.
If everyone knew!
I would die of embarrassment.
"Me and Maddy saw you're tumblr! Omfg like everyone has almost 600k! Woww" She laughed
"what everyone!" I asked
"yeah huh omg you have to show me niki! Maybe you could take a few snaps of us three? Id love to be internet famous!" She beamed
Oh trust me, right now yahh would not.
"Dede I can't believe this! Everyone must be laughing there heads of making fun of me" I huffed
"nuh uh everyone wants a lil bit of fame knowing you could give them that" she said winking
"Come sit with us at lunch today!" Lily asked beaming
"Yeahhh shureee" I promised
I quickly walked away all flustered.
What would happen now? Attention was not something I liked it put me out of my comfort zone completely I felt self concious and normally would turn to the internet.
Wow I'm a internet addict.
Like a fat woman I internet when I'm upset.
Hay did that rhyme there?
I internet when I'm up-set
I looked around the corridor looking for megan luckily I missed her and had a slightly calming math lesson.
But I swear and I mean this that there we're girls taking photos of me.
The rest of the day was sort of the same.
I went to the cafeteria to meet Dede and Lily I knew they would use me for my tumblr followers and my internet success but I never had any friends it was worth a shot.

Tumblr girl (updated Daily)
FanfictionSummer is tumblr famous, that means on tumblr shes basically a princess. No one at school knows and Summer wants to keep it that way. But what happens when her beloved nikon (nicki) gets stolen and all her pictures end up scattered around school. M...