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Mommy's POV

"What's going on? Why is she like this?" I ask the doctor. My Jess was heading to the emergency room. Then there it was the big doors. Plastered on it were white letters that read surgery.

"Ma'am apparently her spine his... Well... Lets just say... Its breaking a little more."

I stop in my tracks. Tears in my eyes.

Breaking a little more....?

Jessica's POV

"Jessica stay with me, hun.." I heard a woman say. At the moment I couldn't feel anything, and I couldn't hold on any longer. My breathing was slowing down at every second. I was going to die.

"Jessica, honey, say something..."

But I couldn't reply, I was losing air. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything. Everything started to get blurry in the dark room, then started to get white. I knew that it was the end. And the last thing I heard was... "We're losing her..."

Natasha's POV

I was sitting in Jessica's current room, looking at the empty spot where her bed once was. When she started to feel pain, I didn't know what to do. I just stood there not knowing what to do. Alex was the one who pulled me away, or else I would still be frozen kneeled down on the floor.

"Are you ok?" I hear Alex ask. I don't turn to face him, I just respond. "I don't think so." I can see in the corner of my eyes that he's looking at the floor, thinking. "Well, the only thing we can do now is trust in God."

"I know, but... Why did he want this to happen?" I'm now facing Alex, tears rolling down my cheek. I trust God, I just don't understand what he's doing.

"He works in very mysterious ways, we just have to trust him." I turn away and just nod, tears still falling. Mr and Mrs.Harrison, are no where to be found. Maybe they went to get some fresh air. I know that at this moment maybe I needed one too. But I couldn't just leave. What if they bring in news about Jess and no ones here? What if Jess comes back and realizes no one is here? Her trust will be broken once again and she'll feel abandoned once again.

I can't risk that.

I decided to kneel down and pray a little, to calm myself down.

God, I'm here, please help me to be calm. Please keep Jessica safe. She needs your help. And your the only one, at the moment that can. Please keep her safe and show her that you are with her. Show her that you exist, show her that she should trust you. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

I get up and start to head for the door.

"Where are you going?" I hear Alex ask. "I'm just going to sit in the hall, want to join?"

"Sure." and we both head out to the hall to sit.

Alex's POV

Me and Natasha are sitting in the hall, with hope that the doctors will give us some news on how my sister is doing. I hope that she's ok.

"Alex Harrison?" a lady asks. I get up quickly. "Yes?" I ask as I help Natasha up.

"There is some people at the reception saying that they know your sister." I look over to Natasha.. Hun we run off, leaving the lady behind. Who could these people be?

As we approached the reception, I spot Josh, from youth group, followed by him is everyone from youth group.

I walk over, Natasha following.

"Hey guys."

"Hey." Josh approaches. "How's your sister doing?"

"We don't know, she felt an immense pain and the only thing we do know is that she's currently in surgery." I can hear Natasha crying, I turn and look over at her, and I was right. I rub her back, and she runs off.

"That's Natasha, Jessica's friend." josh gives me one of those 'O' looks, and begins to speak. "Do you think we can come in and leave some gifts?" I nod quietly and guide them to Jessica's current room.

They started to set the gifts everywhere. And suddenly her room became brighter. I spot Natasha sitting in the same chair she was before, and decide to leave her alone.

There were balloons, teddy bears, and cards everywhere. There were a couple of daisies, too. I guess they wanted to remind of the first day she entered the church. She was wearing a dress with daisies.

"Thank you guys." they all smile and come in for a hug. Then they left. But Anthony, Andrew, Gabriella, and Lucy stayed behind.

Anthony and Andrew stayed with me. And the girls went over to Natasha and try to comfort her. She needed it.

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