Untitled Part 5

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Me and Blaine: *walking back*

Mel: were wore you bell!?! 

Me: I was with Blaine sitting a the cliff

Naga: bell is that you !?!

Me: *turns around* n-naga! *eyes widen* 

Naga: it is you bell!

Me: *crys* I missed you naga * runs to naga and tackles him with a hug*

Blaine: o.o ....... ?

Naga: I missed you to bell!

Mel: so that's naga Samantha? 

Samantha: dose it look like its naga ?

Mel: I guess i mean bell is crying and hugging him

Blaire: why did bell have to know naga!

Naga: erm I need to go ill see you later bell and please don't cry bell you look much more cute when you don't cry *leaves*

Me: *stops crying* *whispers softly* bye naga...

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