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I woke up with my arms sore. I had been holding Makayla all night. Basically cuddling her. My legs were tangled with hers, and our fingers were entwined together. I shot up, not knowing what the hell was going on, and why she was in my bed. "Did we... did we do it last night?!" My shirt was no where to be found, and I was laying there in my boxers. I then remembered the crazy night we had.
Oh thank sweet baby Jesus.

I woke up in Cammys bed, which smelled like Abrocrombie and armpit. Cameron was gone so I guess he slept on the couch. I looked down and i was wearing his clothes. How the hell...?
How did i get this on? I dont even remember waking to his room.
I walked downstairs, twords the smell of eggs, bacon, only to see Cammy shirtless with his basketball shorts and fuzzy socks on.
I peeked around the wall and stared like a creeper. He had a full on six pack and that little V thing on the bottom half of his stomach that girls love. His hair was matted and hella curly and made him look so cute. I stared at him for a while, until...
"So are you going to stand there and watch me, or are you going to eat?" He chuckled. Its okay to think you're bully is cute right?
I walked into the kitchen without answering. I still didn't like the way he treated me last night at his party.
"Hey, whats wrong?" I walked past him to get some orange juice, when he grabbed my arm amd pulled me into his chest.
"Hey, what are you-!"
I looked up at his serious face, as his jaws kept flexing, indicating that he was upset.
"Look," he said. "Im sorry for hurting you in Forever 21, and im sorry if i embarrassed you last night," I could feel him trembling. "You dont know what its like coming from a wealthy family and wanting to be friends with a girl who isnt wealthy. If my parents knew we were friends, they would kill me. They'd make sure, that you're life would be misrable around me." I felt horrible. All this time Cammy was just trying to help me. He was pushing me away so we could be closer.

I let go of Kayla, and walked into the living room with my breakfast. "Thank you." She wispered.
I smiled. Thank God she finally knows.

Makayla wanted to spend as much time as she could with me so she spent the rest of the weekend at my house.
"CAMERON FUCKING DALLAS COMEHERERIGHTNOWHOLYSHITHURRY" I ran up to the bathroom to find Makayla in her bra and shorts, scared out of her damn mind.
She pointed in the bathtub water where a spider was floating, enjoying his day.
"Cmon, Kay! Its just a little spider dude!"
I walked over to the tub and the spider quickley swam onto the wall. I got on my back and cupped my hands, amd it fell on my face.
"CAMMY!" Makayla screamed. She pounced on me, and tried to blow the spider off of my fore head. "Brown. Makayla Sierra Brown. Dude look." She looked over on the floor wjere the spider had wandered off and climed out off the bathroom window. We both started lauging, then her eyes met mine, and we stopped. Her breath smelled like strawberries and red licorice. Her lips were an inch away from mine. Her ass was in my hands, or should i say my hands were on her ass. Oops. I leaned in and kissed her. I opened my eyes and she was kissing me back. Holllly shit.
Then at that exact moment,
"Cameron? What are you doing? Whats going on?"
Uh oh, we all know that Cams dad does not approve of him hanging around un-wealthy people. But Makayla said her father was a basketball player right? But will that be enough to meet Camerons fathers standards?

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