Chapter Two

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  Even though he didn't know why, Tsukishima felt sad seeing you run off. "Tsukki! Go apologize!" Yamaguchi nagged, "Fine." He said, glaring at the shorter boy. He walked around for a while and found you, you were sitting with your knee's to your chest, crying. Seeing you like this broke his heart, "Why do I feel like this?" He thought, he shrugged it off and approached you. "Hey." He said, you got up and tried to walk away but he grabbed your wrist. "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry ok?" You look at him then wrote, "Why do you care? You just think I'm a freak."  He sighed, "I didn't mean it, I just have a 'twisted' since of humor, as people like to say." He said, air quoting the word twisted, you decided to forgive him (what a saint you are! x3), "Ok, lets start over then I guess?"  He nodded, "Hi I'm (f/n) (l/n), nice to meet you!" You write, smiling.

  "I'm Tsukishima Kei." He stated blankly, "I will call you Kei-kun!" You wrote down excitedly, "Tch. We just meet baka." He said, flicking your forehead. You in return just pouted, puffing your cheeks out, "Cute." Tsukishima thought. "Wait what?!?"  He thought, you noticed that when he thinks hard he gets little crinkles on his forehead, "Is everything ok Kei-kun?" You wrote, "Yeah and stop calling me that!" Sending you a little glare. You shrug it off and you guys walk back to Yamaguchi and eat lunch.

~Time Skip~

  It's been a couple of weeks now and you became really good friends with the two volleyball players, you got used to Kei's snarky remarks and even found them a little funny. "Hey Kei, can I come to you guys volleyball practice?" You wrote, you gave the two big puppy dog eyes, "Tch. Fine but don't bug me the whole time." You nodded furiously, you were really excited to see them play, you heard that the team was really good now. What the pair didn't know was that you knew a good amount about volleyball, your dad was a physical trainer so you grew up around sports a lot. Your dad said you had a good eye at seeing the players hidden potential.

  You finished with your last class of the day and headed to the gym, you were excited but a little nervous, you didn't know anyone but Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. You heard the squeaking of shoes and the coach commanding orders, you slide open the door. "Look there's a cute girl here!" You looked to see who said that and saw a shaved headed guy and a short guy with spikey hair running towards you. You dodged them just in time and they fell onto the concrete outside. "Ouch" You thought, you turn back to the team and found Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. You ran towards them waving. "Hey guys!" You write "Hey.", "Hi (f/n)-chan!" They greeted. You felt everyone staring at you, "Oi! Stop staring!" Tsukishima said, "How is this?" A guy with silver hair asked, "Tsukishima! You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend!" The little guy from earlier said, this causing both of you to blush, "We're not dating!" You wrote quickly, "Hey. Why are you not talking?" The silver headed guy asked, "She's a mute." Yamaguchi said stepping into the conversation. "Hi! My name is (f/n) (l/n)! It's nice to meet you and yes I am a mute." You write and show the whole team.

  There was a long silence, it made you feel uncomfortable. "Well, my names Sugawara, nice to meet you." The silver headed guy said, "I'm the captain, Daichi!" A man with brown hair said, everyone introduced them self one by one. When it was Nishinoya's turn you wrote, "Chibi-san?" And showed Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, causing them both to laugh, the rest of the team, except Nishinoya saw too and the gym was filled with laughter. "Oi! What are you laughing about!?!" He asked, he looked at your note book and got annoyed, "I'm sorry! Your just really cute! Like a puppy!" You wrote down and patted his head, this causing him to blush and everyone to laugh even more.

  While practice was going on, you analyzed the team and walked up to the coach. You sharded some of your idea's and he looked at you shocked, "I didn't know you understood all of this." He said and you explained that your dad was a professional trainer.

   "Guys gather around! I have some news, I'm making (f/n) assistant coach!" He said, everyone was silent for a moment, "EHH?!!?!"

   "She shared some of her strategies and told me her dad is a professional coach, she has some ideas thst may come in handy." Even though everyone was still a little shocked, they all welcomed you to the team. "You never told us you knew this kind of stuff." Tsukishima said, "Sorry Kei-kun I just never thought it was a big deal." You write, smiling. He blushed, "Dammit, why do I feel like this?" He thought, what he didn't know is that you were having similar feelings,

  "Do I like Kei?"

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