Dear friends,
I'm not going to say his name sorry about that. I have liked my current crush for a couple of years now. I'm in love. His eyes, personality, the way he says my name I just love it. In class I would stare at him every day and he would catch me a lot. But how would he catch me. One answer he was looking at me. But when he would see me I would just turn and look at the board like nothing happened. Are family's have been friends for years. My mom recently ran into his mom and his grandmother. His grandma said that she does not want him to marry anybody else in the world but me. When I heard this I died and also felt like I was going to cry. He does show signs of liking me. The song "Hey Stephen" by Taylor Swift is perfect for the way I feel about him. I can't help it if he looks like an angel. He even has nick-names for me like omg. I wanted to ask him to the spring fling but I didn't, I was too scared of being rejected. In 5th grade we got yelled at for laughing and playing footsies when we sat across for each other. Now that we are going into 7th grade I hope we have classes again with each other. Last year was awesome so let's hope this is better. I could go on and on but I don't want to keep you guys forever.