Chapter 3:Secret dating

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Hi guys I plan on updating my stories soon but for now I'm gonna update what speaks to me most. Enjoy
(1 day later.)
I'm dating Wally, wow.
W-"Hey what you thinking about?"
D-"Oh, um nothing, but just wondering, when are we telling well anybody?"
W-"Whenever you really want to, but I like it secret."
D-"And why is that."
W-"Makes me feel like James Bond always sneaking around."
D-"Yeah A.K.A. your day job."
W-"And we're always alone. And if batman found out he would kill me."
D-"Fine, but then I don't think you can come over for thanksgiving, and the flood is the best money can get.  And there's soooooo much."
W-"Ha I know what your trying*)stomach growls* 😩) and it's working!"
D-"Want some cupcakes."
W-"Don't start teasing me now!" He groaned.
D-"I'm not, they should be done now."
W-"Wait, that smell is real or are you also part of my imagination."
D-"Then your also imagining this." Then he kisses him.
W-"Nope real. Very real."
(Artemis's POV)
Wow wow wow, hold up. Did they just kiss?  Well I don't see a bottle or people saying truth or dare so....they're secretly dating. I must gather evidence. For what.....I don't know yet.
(The next  morning.)
Log: today it's pancakes, they look disgustingly adorable , they seem to have the relationship every girl wants....lucky gays. I would already have the evidence I need but I keep on forgetting to charge my phone.
Side note: is it creepy that I'm outside beywatch's house at 8 in the morning in uniform. Nah.😏
(5 hours  later.)
Log:  They decided to zeta to California of all places. And now they're at a park, it'll take a while before my phone charges,after I find it. And now they're having a picnic, hurray.😑  Wait a minute he's taking off his glasses. Secret identity time. 👿 Come on, come on, come on take me off already!😡
Janitor-Hey kid you aren't supposed to be up here."
A-"Oh sorry sir, but superhero business."
J-"Oh you spying on so,ebony say no more." Then he leaves, and I should too before he tweets my location to everybody and tells them what I'm doing.
(The next day at 1:00)
Log:my phone is finally charged, and right now I'm recording every thing they do. Come on, come on do something kiss, use strange nicknames, heck have sex! Give me something people!

(Then Zatana walked by.)
Z-"What ya doing." She whispered in my ear.
A-"Getting proof that Kid mouth and bird boy are dating."
Z-"Wait if they're "dating" would not that mean that they're both."
A-"Gay, yep."
I could see the heartbreak on her face.
A-" It's okay, help me find proof and I'll get you someone better than old bird boy, and by better I mean straight."
Z-"Okay."😥😤"Okay let's do this."
Three weeks went by, we got nothing. And tomorrow's Halloween so I plan on staying in, but I've learned that Z's pretty cool these pass few weeks. And I've come with the team with these accusations and they've called me crazy. But they'll ever see they'll all see, I will expose them, well we will.
Just wait till the next one

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