Ritsu kasanoda x reader chapter one ( Oc. requested. )

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(Hope you all enjoy!!!! This is NOT a oneshot please read all chapters)
( evalines pov! Yes I know not much romance but you have to read all chapters in order to get the story line and the romance. Okay!!! ;) )

I walk to my new school doors and slowly open it already enrolled. But I refused to wear one of those monsterus dresses. I absolutely hate the color yellow and the way they look. So I wore expensive blackish jeans an band tee shirt. I had a black hoodie my brother gave me on the way in and made me wear. Kathana at my side as well as my brothers. " Okay nee-chans we gotta go to our classes. Need us just... 'call' mm kay?" Asks Jesse my second eldest brother. Me and kathana nod having all our classes together. We walk off in a different direction then them to our first class. I held her hand her and my brother being my only friends. To shy to interact with others. She smiles looking at me as I pull my hood up. " I can feel everyone starring at us. " I whisper my voice soft and cute. " it's okay Monkey doodle. They are probably just curious. No need to worry." She says using the nickname our father gave me. I nod " okay... our first class is English and it is.... here. " I say pointing at the class and we walk in. We were 2st years and very advanced in our intellectual and physical strength. I start to breathe heavy and I take my sister's hand shyly as everyone stares at us. " oh you two just be miss. Cross and miss. Cross. " the teacher giggles at her own joke. We are not completely identical our eyes and body shapes were different but you could tell we were twins and sisters.

" yes. I'm Kathana and this is my sister Evaline. She likes to go by Eva. " She speaks for the both of us.

" ah yes. Well go on an sit down where ever you need. Miss. Eva please stay after class for a few minutes I wish to speak with you. " I nod quickly noticing a red haired boy who seemingly had a scary look on his face but it doesn't fase me. My sister being the over protective one glares at him and his eyes widened. I giggle cutely and hide a small blush forming on my cheeks. My sister obviously noticing. She smiles and pats my head as she we sat next to each other and after a while I sigh. " I'm bored ima skip the rest of the day. " my sister says and raises her hand having a fake sick look on. " Mrs I don't feel so well. May I go to the nurses office?" She asks and the teacher nods. " alright go on ahead. Don't need you getting sick in here. " She says and kathana nods. I watch and sigh. She leaves me alone and I finish the work we were all handed when we walked in. I yawn pulling my hood up and putting my head phones in. Everyone took the chance and glanced at me. I close my eyes crossing my arms looking like a rebel and I lean against the wall where the window is. The bell rings and I stand up not being able to hear the bell but able to feel the small vibration it gives in the air. I walk up to the teacher and pull my head phones out. " you wanted to see me?" I ask my voice shy and quiet. " yes miss cross I was wanting to ask you, would you like to be a tutor? Your grades are outstanding and your school records hold nothing bad against you. " I shake my head. " I'm sorry Mrs but I can't. I have a lot to do after school. " She nods in understanding. " okay well if you change your mind come and find me.... I think you should go to music room three, you seem stressed. " I nod and scurry out and go to my next class. The red head in the next class and the next then the next... I found it odd. But I always felt him starring at me. It made me feel warm... safe.

~le time skip!!!~

It was my free period and I walk to music room three. The red head walking in first. I smile a little then open the doors. " welcome princess" says seven men. One more girlish then the others. My face turns crimson " uh... h-h-hello.... m-my English teacher said..said.. said that you can help low-lower stress. " I say nervous and stuttering my tics kicking in like usual when I got to nervous. " mmm yes my sweet of course. That is apart of our job after all~" cooed a blond tall man who had a very unique eye color. Violet. I smile a little " thank you" I say softly and look down not Able to keep eye contact. "So what's your name~!" Spoke a small blond boy who was a little smaller then me. " I'm... I'm evaline... you may call me eva.. if you so wish. " I bow politely.

[ request]Ritsu kasanoda x (shy! assassin! ) reader.( OHSHC)Where stories live. Discover now