Calum-For Julia

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        You and Calum have been dating for 6 months but he hasn't told the fans about you yet, cause he doesn't want you to get hate. What you haven't told Calum is that you already get a lot of hate, because you have been pictured with him a lot.

You were sitting at home doing nothing, when you got a text mesage from Michael.

Michael to Julia- Julia Julia guess what?!

Julia to Michael- What Michael?

Michael to Julia- We're gonna be on tv! Go on channel 7!!! Go go go!!!!

You laughed and turned on the tv and put on channel 7. Michael is so weird, you thought.

"And now for 5 Seconds of Summer!' The lady said.

They all walked onto the stage with goofy grins on their faces, you couldn't help to laugh. Throughout the whole interview you couldn't wipe the smile off your face, there was only like 5 minutes left.

"Okay so now let's talk relationship, Luke are you seeing anyone?"

Luke smiled and blushed while looking down.

"I'll take that as a yes?' The lady asked but Luke didn't answer.

"Is this girl in the picture, her? Vita is her name correct?" They showed a picture of Luke and Vita on this big screen. Luke looked up at the screen and his face lit up.

"Vita that's her name." He said with a big grin on his face. You slapped your forehead. "No duh Luke." You said out loud. "He is so love struck." You laughed.

"Yeah we're dating." He said.

"Such a cute couple, Ashton are you still dating Bryana Holly?" Ashton rolled his eyes.

"No." He said bluntly, which made me laugh.

"What about you Calum?" She asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

"I'm single and ready to mingle." He said while laughing. A fan from the audience yelled Calum's name and he turned and winked at her. Did he have to wink at her?  You thought.  "Dating someone is boring, what's the fun in that." You couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. You noticed Luke giving him a warning look, but he didn't stop there. "I would never want to be in a relationship, just have my fun and end it." The crowd booed, you couldn't watch it anymore so you turned the Tv off. 

Did he mean what he said? How could he say that? Why did he wink at her?  Those thought were buzzing through your mind, and before you knew it warm tears started to trickled down your face. You put your face in your hands and continued  to cry. Suddenly, you got a text message from Luke. 

Luke to Julia- Please tell me you didn't watch that interview.

Julia to Luke- Yeah I did...

Julia to Calum-  I saw the interview, it's nice to finally know how you really feel about me...about us. Why don't you go talk to other girls and 'have your fun and end it.' 

After that you set your phone on the table and went into your room. 

~Later that day~ 

There was a knock at the door, you groaned. "Why can't the world just leave me alone?" You muttered before walking to the door and answering it. When you opened it you saw Vita standing there with a huge smile on her face.

"Hi- what's wrong?" Her facial expression softened. 

"You didn't see the interview?" She shook her head no, you moved aside to let her in. After she came in, you told her everything that Calum had said. 

"That little bitch!" She said, you nodded. "I can't believe he said that! What a dick." She continued. 

She looked at her phone for a minute before turning it off again. She was about to say something but I cut her off, "Oh yeah by the way Luke talked about you to." 

"In a good or bad way?" She asked nervously. 

"An amazing way!" She looked down and blushed. 

"You have to get ready for the concert." She said. 

"What concert?" 

"Don't you remember we are suppose to go to the guys concert tonight?" 

"Oh yeah I can't go, not after this." You said and shook your head. 

"You have to! Come on if not for me do it for the guys, its not all about Calum. Think about Ashton and Luke and MICHAEL! They all want you there. "Ugh fine." You agreed. 

After you got ready, Vita had to practically drag you into her car. You were sitting in her car looking out the window, but she never turned the car on. You turned and looked at her, she was sitting there starring at her phone smiling. 

"Tell Luke you got to go or we're gonna be late to his concert." She looked up and blushed before putting her phone down and starting the car. "Oh that love struck girl."  You thought. 

You finally got to the concert, you guys had front row tickets. When you got to your seats, you couldn't help but be excited. You haven't seen them preform in a while so you really don't know what to expect. The boys finally ran out on stage, and a smile spread across your face. You felt Calum starring at you but you ignored his glance. After a  couple songs you glanced over at Vita who was nearly crying you looked up and saw Luke staring right at her during his solo. You glanced over at Calum and caught his glance, he mouthed "I'm sorry." You shook your head and turned around.  

~1 hour later~ 

The concert was almost over so you and Vita went backstage. 

"Okay guys I have something to say." Calum said catching your and everyone else's attention. "Today I did a very bad thing, I lied to all of you." The crowd gasped. "Today I said a whole bunch of things about being single and how amazing it is, well its not amazing and... I'm not single." Oh my god what is he doing?!  "To answer your question, I'm dating Julia Waters and I couldn't be happier. I have never felt this way before and what I  said today really hurt her. After all of those terrible things I said, she still came to this show tonight. She is anything and everything I could ever want in a girlfriend. These last 6 months have been the best ever and Julia..." he turned and looked at you. "I love you." "Oh my god he has never said that before! Oh my god!" You said. "What are you waiting for go!" Vita said. You turned and saw him gesturing for you to come on stage. You ran into his open arms and kissed him."I love you too." You muttered back to him. While you where kissing you heard several "Aw's" You pulled apart. "See you next time!" The boys yelled and walked off stage. Once you were on stage you reconnected your lips to Calum. 

'I'm. So. Sorry." Calum muttered in between kisses. 

You shook your head, "It's okay." 

He smiled, "I love you." 

"I love you too." 

"Oh my god you guys are so freaking cute!!!" You turned your head and saw Vita sitting on Luke's lap smiling at you. "So are you guys." You said. 

"Yeah yeah yeah, we get it you guys are madly in love and we are gonna grow old and die alone." Michael and Ashton said. 

"Aww you guys won't die alone." You said. 

"Yeah, I mean if it comes down to it you can just marry each other." Calum said.

You hit him on the chest, "Calum!" He shrugged. 

"Lets go get some food!" 

"Oh Luke." You said. 

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