Chapter 52

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“By the way, young madam, have you ever had spots like this come up when you had a fever before?”

“No. Now that you mention it, I woke up in the middle of the night to get some water, and I saw red and blue spots on my arm.”

“Yes, the rash fortunately disappeared within two days, but has anything like this happened before?”

“I don’t know. I’ve had fevers a few times, but I don’t remember. No one ever told me about it.”

“That’s understandable.”

With a sigh, Gella resumed teaching Lisa the hand signals. Even she couldn’t remember all of them, so she had written them down.

“I secretly wrote this down, so make sure to look at it quickly and burn it. Hand signals shouldn’t be written down because of the risk of them being leaked.”

However, Lisa thought there was no risk since Gella’s handwriting was barely legible. Regardless, she nodded and learned the next signal.

“This means [Problem].”

Gella brought her hands together in a circle near her forehead.

“Think of it as a problem forming in your head that needs to be solved.”

Then she placed her crossed hands over her chest.

“This means [No Problem], as if your heart is at ease because there is no problem.”

As Lisa mimicked the actions, Gella quickly turned the pages of the paper she had brought.

“Now, let’s move on to injuries. Let’s see. If there are no injuries at all, use the [No Problem] signal from earlier. Then there are signals for [Minor], [Severe], and [Dead].”

The signal for ‘dead’ was a gesture of choking oneself. Lisa slowly followed along, prompting Gella to provide an example.

“Injuries are my expertise. For instance, if someone points to their arm and uses the [Severe] signal, I would ask, [Can use?] or [Can’t use?]. If the answer is [Can’t use], it means the arm is completely useless or severed.”

“What about this? What am I saying now?”

Lisa combined the [Problem] and [Severe] signals she had just learned, causing Gella to stifle her laughter.

“Actually, the signals for ‘problem’ and ‘severe’ can cause confusion if used incorrectly. Some knights prefer to stick to their exact meanings, to avoid miscommunication.”

“It means something, but it could lead to misunderstandings.”

“Exactly. Some people can be very particular and will find fault later if the signals are used incorrectly.”

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Lisa quickly pulled the covers over herself and lay down, while Gella hastily shoved the paper with the hand signals into her clothes and grabbed a book from the nightstand before running to the door.

“Oh, madam, you’ve arrived.”

“Yes. Is Lisa asleep?”

Knowing the room was well soundproofed, Gella calmly replied.

“Yes. She falls asleep quickly when I read to her.”

“Good. I’ll stay for a couple of hours today, so you can go have a meal and rest.”

“Oh, I had breakfast in the next room while the young madam slept. I’m really fine…”

“Still, it’s hard without a break. Go on, I’ll call you when I need you.”

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