Chapter Three

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(Listen to Saviour while reading this guys)


I saw my mom all bruised up. "M-Mom?", I said quietly. "Mom, mom, mom, mom! Shut the fuck up!", I heard a lady say. "What the fuck is wrong with you?", I snapped. "Oh look who finally had the guts to talk shit", she said. "Look who finally decides to have better comebacks", I said with a fake smile.

She glared and picked me up. She threw me lingerie and thigh high boots. "Put this shit on", she said. When she left, I started crying. I put on the lingerie and started crying again, but harder. "Go in there with your daughter, bitch!", the lady yelled and threw my mom in the same room I was in. "Fuck you, Scout!", my mom yelled. My mom turned around and saw me bruised up and with the lingerie. "Oh, my poor baby", she said, with tears in her eyes. "Mom, I miss dad and Martha", I said. She hugged me and I started crying. "Oh suck it up little whore. Plus, Daniel's waiting for you", she said coldly. I followed this Scout bitch and went to Daniel. "Hello, kitten", he said. I looked down and I felt him pull me down.

"Look here, you are going to do what I fucking say. Got it, bitch?", he said. I didn't answer which I earned a slap from him. "GOT IT!", he yelled. I whimpered and nodded. "Good, now get up, whore", he said. I did as he said and followed him.


Me and Martha went to search for Ally and Juliet, but they were no where in sight. I called Ashley and I hoped he picked up. "Hey Andy. How's Ally's birthday?", he asked. "It was fine until she fucking disappeared", I said. "Wait. What happened to her?", he asked, worriedly. "I don't know, they just left and they didn't call or text. So basically I need your help on finding them", I said. "Okay, I'll get the others to help", Ashley said. I hung up and waited for Ashley and the others to arrive. A few minutes later, I saw Ashley, Jinxx, CC, and Jake.

"Thanks guys, now we just need to know where they we-", I stopped midsentence and saw a folded paper.

Want to see your girlfriend and daughter again? Come to the nearest place you could ever think of. You got 6 hours.
-The Mortician's Daughter

I knew that name. Scout. "That bitch!", I yelled. "Scout has her.. Doesn't she", Ashley said. "We're goung to a torn down strip club, guys", I said. We went inside the car and drove to an abandoned strip club. "We go in one at a time. Got it?", I said. They all nodded and as we all know Jake kept hold of Martha. "Its okay, baby. We're gonna be fine", I said. I went in first, then Jinxx, then Ashley, then CC, then Jake and Martha. We saw a guy and a girl with brown blonde hair and a girl beaten up with alot of tattoos, which one of then said Andy. Wait.. That's Juliet and Ally! "Guys we found them. I see Ally turn our way. "Dad! Run!", she yelled.

I ran to the guy and punched him. Ashley went straight to Ally and hugged her. Martha went to get Juliet out of the handcuffs. Jake saw Scout and pounced at her. After that, we took Juliet and Ally outside. "Are you okay, Ally", Ashley asked her. "T-That was dad, Martha", she said. My eyes widened. "T-That was dad?", Martha asked , scaredly. "He won't be getting near you guys", I said. "Mom, are you okay?", Ally asked. "Yes baby, I'm okay", she said. "Let's take them home", I said.

This has been one hell of a night.

Well triple update fuck man... I'm fucking tired but I did this for you guys. Muah loves you💗

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