Chapter 3: Trouble!

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It was in the morning, 9:02 AM, the two saiyans were having fun racing each other.  But they were interrupt by a dinosaur. "I was feeling hungry..." Zackie said as then he went straight to it and kick the stomach as it growl in pain. "Leave some for me!" Rose said as she went to grab it by the tail and swing it around as it hits rocks, she send it to the sky. "Za-" She was about to finish but Zackie knew what to do, he used Zanzoken to be a top of the dinosaur as he kicked it down, it died as it hit the ground. They went to get the meat and cook it. "This!" Zackie said while taking big bites of the dino meat that was cooked. "This stuff is good!" He said as he chew. Rose was also eating. "This is sure good!" After a while, they finished the meat. "Man... I am still hungry!" Zackie said while looking at Rose. "Yeah... You think the Humans got some food? We got some money from the guy who gave it to us!" Zackie nodded. 


Zackie and Rose were flying around the whole city to find something, they landed and ask for directions but they guy was too scared and handed them his wallet. Zackie and Rose were confused by accept it.


Zackie and Rose went flying but then heard a explosion. "Hey... That was around the city! Let's go, let us see what is wrong!" Zackie said as he went flying faster to see what it was. Rose was following. The duo stop to see two humans flying and using Ki. Zackie and Rose were surprised, since humans can't do that. They landed to see them closer. There were a male and a female. The Male was using a bandana to cover his mouth. He was wearing a t-shirt colored red and a t shirt with a skull. The pants were baggy as he smiled and pointed his hand to Zackie. "Mate... Have a problem?" He asked, with a british accent. He is white too, with short hair, colored black while the Female was destroying buildings, she was wearing the same thing but the t-shirt was colored black, she had a british accent too, and she was white too, her hair was long but the color was brown. Zackie used his scouter to read their PL. 9,160 for the Male, 8,950 for the Female... Zackie laughed. "You dare to destroy with that kind of Power Level? You trash will be easier!" He said as Zackie remember his PL. 33,020. He had been training. While Rose PL was 29,910. She had been training also. Zackie smiled as then he used Zanzoken to be behind the Male as he kick him to the air. "Rose, take ground, I will take take the air." Zackie said as then Rose nodded to take care of the Female, Zackie flew to the level of the Male to kick him down. Zackie noticed he was going down and quick until he stop in mid-air. "Oh? Your going to bring a atta-" He stop to see the Male was charging up. "Lets see the PL..." He said as he saw it rising. 10,300... 11,700... 13,700... It stop rising, 17,000... Zackie smiled. "Your strong... But let us see how strong you are!" He said as he was about to kick him but he stop the kick, and went to grab his feet to throw him to the ground. It did some damage. The Male started to charge yet again, as then it started to emit a bright light. Zackie was blinded as then the light went away, he saw his PL was now... 30,000. And his hair turned to be white and spiky. "W-What the heck is that?" He said as he felt scared since a Human cannot do that. "I call this... Super Human!" The Male said as then he quickly went to punch him, but Zackie used Zanzoken to be in the air and ready to fight. They travel in Sonic Speed as the only thing you can hear is the fists and feets clashing. Rose was having no trouble until the Female went Super Human too. Her PL was 29,101... Rose felt scared as her PL was near as hers. They fought and fought, but the difference between Saiyans and Humans are... Zackie kicked him straight to the ground and shot tons of ki blasts. And smiled. "We have longer stamina..." As then Rose finished, "While you guys have limits!" And they were right since their hair went back to normal and they were panting. "So... See ya!" They won the fight and got some money for saving the day, they waste it on food, and pretty much nothing else. The criminals went to jail.

From that fight, Zackie PL rise to become 36,162. While Rose became only, 30,210.

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