Chapter 1. Our First Pokemon (Virgil)

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It was Augest 28, 2006. I was sleeping. Suddenly, my sister, Victoria, came and woke me up violently. She yelled right in my ear, "WAKE UP! It's our birthday!"

I slowly woke up then realized what day it was. It was my tenth birthday! For those of you who don't live in the Aleafia region, on some lucky children's tenth birthday, they get to choose from one of four starter pokemon that change every year. This year's options were: Mudkip, Vulpix, Shroomish, and Natu. I wanted to choose Vulpix, but I don't know what Victoria wanted. "Look at the clock, Virgil!" Yelled Victoria. So I did. It was 11:30! We were supposed to meet the professor at ten! I got dressed, ate breakfast, and sprinted to the professor's lab.

The professor's name was Professor Palm. He was VERY mad that we were late. "Ok. You kids know the options. Pick one." Said professor Palm.

So Victoria and I both said, "Vulpix!"

Then we looked at each other for a minute, and yelled out in unison, "Shroomish!"

Then we talked for a minute, played Rock, Paper, Scissors and she won. I let her go first and she chose Vulpix. Since she picked my first choice, I chose Shroomish.

"Ok. You chose your first pokemon. Now get out." Said professor Palm.

So we did. Suddenly, we came across our friends Ashton and Ashley. They were twins too and they have the same birthday as us. Ashley asked, "Hey guys! Wanna have a multi battle?" (By the way, a multi battle is when two trainers battle two trainers.)

I wasn't so sure about it, because I didn't want my new Shroomish to get hurt. I also didn't know what attacks he knew. "Sure! We would love too!" Said Victoria.

Ashton said,"Sweet!"

We all sent out our pokemon. I sent out my Shroomish. Victoria sent our Vulpix. Ashley sent out a Mudkip and Ashton sent out a Natu. Victoria said, "Let's go!"

Vulpix went first. It used ember on Natu. It took some damage, but not too much. Natu moved next. It used extrasensory on Shroomish. It took a lot of damage, barly surviving. Then, Mudkip used tackle to try to finish off Shroomish. Luckily, it missed. Next, Shroomish used vine whip to grab Mudkip then used focus punch on him. It was more like a focus headbutt since Shroomish has no arms. It was a one-hit KO. "Nice work, Shroomish!" I said.

Then, it was Vulpix's turn. It used ember on Natu. Natu survived though, but not by much. Then Natu used wing attack on Shroomish and finished him. "Good job Shroomish. Return."

Then, Vulpix used a fast quick attack to finish Natu. After the battle, we all shook hands and said congratulations. Then, Victoria and I went back home to say goodbye to our parents before we set out on our pokemon journey.

When we got home, our parents told us that they had a special surprise for us. They blindfolded us and brought us into a room. "3, 2, 1, take off the blindfolds!" Said my mother.

Right there, standing before us, were both mine and Victoria's favorite pokemon: a Rufflet for me, and a Poochyena for Victoria! "Thank you so much!" We both said in unison.

So then, with our poke balls in hand, we set out on our pokemon journey, towards route one.
---------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, many miles away, there was a radio call going on. It was between a secret organization who called themselves team spark. The leader, Jesse, was talking to an admin. "Is the legendary pokemon Latios secure?" Asked Jesse.

"Yes." Said the admin.

"What about Latias?"

"Not quite yet. We are tracking him at this very moment."

"Ok. As long as you get him within the next week. Then we can start the search for Guraundigator and Kasianix!"

"Sir, we have received a message from te Kasainix search team. They have spotted regional champion John using Kasainix against a trainer!"

"What?! My brother, wielding the power of the great Kasainix?! Impossible? Does it have the Halo?"

"Yes it does."

"Oh no. This isn't good. It's the real deal then. I guess we will focus on Latias for now and then Guraundigator."

End of chapter one.

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