amber is stolen to heaven to grow a sacred tree

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Chapter two: Archangel Michaels question to yuna, kagura, amber, and enkido.

What do you think of me?

Yuna had said under the prayer of god the truth. "I hate you Michael. With every fiber of my being."

Kagura is always brutally honest. But still being compelled into speaking the truth because of others distrust of her. Said, "I .. you confuse me. One minute I feel love for you then I feel a wave of mistrust from you like you think I'm scheming something and then the next minute I see a memory of you chucking a rock at me and me cutting it in half. I love you I know that much but our bond is weird and confusing. You are cute though."

Amber who was hesitant like she was thinking of what to say and was confused by what her own truth said, "I loved you and I still love you. But I also have weird nightmares of you killing me under gods orders or what you think is gods orders. So I try not to fall in love with you up close. I hope you still have a good day though with me over here and you over there."

And then the moment of truth. I walked to the seal of Enkido and ask him with a truth spell because I didn't trust him. and asked what he thought of me.

He said, "I want to pick you up and spin you around. Yeah, I just want to pick you up spin you around, and then put you on a pedestal. And then dump a bucket of water over your head."

Michael asked, "What... why to publicly humiliate me or something?"

He laughs and says, with a smirk, "no I would do it when we were alone. To prove to you that is how wet you make every woman in a room."

The devil pops up out of nowhere also confused and laughing at what Enkido said, "Why would you want to do that?"

Enkido said, "to prove Michael's moppy sad face wrong. And to prove he is loved."

"That would prove no such thing," says Michael.

Enkido looks me up and down and says, "Sometimes the image is enough and I don't need to do the real thing. And then in confusion, you tend to grin ear to ear. The sad boy is now a happy boy. I love you but I also love to just mess with you with my words. To see your reaction."

In the roots of the sakura, Yggdrasil enkido says "So if that is all you wanted to know. Then you can let me grow more roots with amber and branches with you again right Michael?"

Story Michael said "yes" but real world Michael knows Enkido too well and says "No you would just go get drunk again."

Enkido says, "That almost worked I could have been free in the story world at least."

Michael remembers this conversation from when Enkido and Michael were kids.

Why the weird glares if you like me please speak truly enkido since this is your past self I'm talking to.

Enkido is compelled to speak truly through the power of angel miracles.

Enkido says, "I want I need I... you... I need you. But for some reason, I have this weird sense like I. I want to give you something... I if I were a woman I bucket. But also see you mostly with men. no stop that. I can't get that time you tried kissing me in that fight out of my head. Back when I was a woman. I regret the Lilith thing. I don't know what I want. You kill me each time I confess this to you though. I no. I have you been visiting my room in the middle of the night or is that just a fantasy? And those meds you had me take as a child. Those were just pills with a side effect of drowsiness right? Please tell me it's someone else who has been sneaking into my room at night Michael. I, I have never heard of an angel ruffling someone. Not unless they were a fallen one but that was from my time as a human. I just need to know I just the glare has been me trying to find out if it was you or if it was someone else having their way with me in my sleep. I want to be with them. But I can't tell who it is they whisper things in my ears. And I love them but I don't know who they are. I need help."

Lucifer looks over at Michael. Hoping his brother isn't like that.

Michael confused. Ok, it only half works I need to find something that puts them into a deeper sleep. Are they building a tolerance to it?

He says, "Well it's not me. It must be your mental disorder again. However, if that is why you have been glaring at me, I wouldn't mind dating you and seeing where it goes since we are both angels. Enkido."

The glare in his eyes was gone. He nodded. Relief filled his face. he sat down looking tired. His muscles relaxed. I hadn't realized that he was that worked up about it. so cute. If only they would become a woman again. Then again they were still a woman. Just an illusion of a man.

Enkido lay down and with a big sigh fell asleep 

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