After long thoughts we moved to plymouth but by the time we did it was to late when we got there it looked nice but i missed my friends after being bullied i never liked making friends i never had any confidence i stayed in my room all day and never came out i hated myself, my curtins in my windows were always shut becuase i thought if the were open people would be judging me talking about me a d i coyldnt take it i felt like the hole world is against me no matter what i do,i listen to music all day in my room becuase whn i listen to music im in my own little world were knowone is judging me i also had trouble sleeping all my life i never used to sleep and when we moved to plymouth mum got me "help" turns out i have insomnia lovely so anyways they put me on tablets and stuff to make me fall asleep all the while we found out mum had a new boyfriend alan after neil i could always spot if the man was a d**k or not i could tell he was, so i would argue with him and mum all the time whenever mum left alan in charge i would mess around on day he when missing the next day we found out he was in prison the first thing i said to mum "now u know why i never liked him and argued with him i knew all this time he was a idiot" so as the days go on i still got bulkied but not as much, i started showing sighns of autism ADHD, dyslexia and social anxiety,i never felt like i ever belonged anywere