• UNO •

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I could start this from the very beginning, telling about my whole life. Starting with my childhood, passing through my early teen ages and fill this white pages with a bunch of information that, sadly, doesn't matter at all. The ugly truth is that anything that happened before meeting Sergio is as irrelevant as a bunch of cigarette ends thrown at the beach.

Nobody cares about them.

The real shit started the day I met him.

I remember it was a suffocating  Tuesday of August and as always I went to my favourite place in the city: the exclusive Colombian coffee bar. It was a super expensive place in which you can see only the elite. Those people that dress Prada and wear Louis Vuitton on their feet while try to hide from the sun rays behind their Gucci sunglasses.

What I was thinking? The most sophisticated clothes I had that time were a pair of black jeans and a basic white t-shirt. And my hair wasn't brushed that delicately like theirs. A pony tail I made myself was my most often chose for the day. Back in the day, I always felt important when visited that coffee bar. I was the one that didn't fit there, I was the one that highlighted.

What a stupid kid I was.

The bar was split into two rooms, one for people who didn't want to intoxicate themselves with cigarette smoke and a second one for those that couldn't survive without a dose of nicotine between their lips.

My routine was entering the coffee bar and giving a look around, to all the people that were there. When I was sure all of them were enough rich to buy the bar and the whole building with it I looked for a free table next to the showcase. If there was not a single table that is near the glass wall I would make my way to the transparent door that made an opening in the wood wall opposite the entrance. A strong bitter smell would hit me on the forehead and I would look again for a table in my favourite area of the local.

"Ah, there it is" I would tell to myself and I would spend my hours there.

Well, what a coincidence. That suffocating Tuesday happened just that. I entered the coffee bar to see all those people sitting in my area while a bunch of free tables were just next to the bar. And I know I sound like a dog that has peed there when I call it "my area", but back in those they my childish self thought people knew I liked to sit there. I haven't realised those people won't notice you if you go with an old and dirty replica of Converse shoes and a smell of drugstore deodorant.

I crossed the smoke-free room, pushed the crystal door and entered that malodorous place. A mix of different types of cigarettes' smoke made it's way into my nose and soon I felt a little bit dizzy. Although there were some women too, most of the people there were men. I thought it was because those women thought they didn't look enough elegant with a odorous smoky stick between their fingers. I thanked God there were three free tables next to my lovely window wall and I sat on the second one, with one free table in front of me and one behind me. There were a lot of people there and I often felt this breeze they made when they went pass my side to go to the toilet that was right behind my back, just next to the table behind me.

Like always I went to the coffee bar with a book in my hands. I always did that. I hadn't enough money for one of those exclusive expensive Colombian coffees and if I didn't consume they could kick me out of there. The book is to pretend I'm reading, in that situation they would let me stay. Who will kick out a young reading lady out of that sophisticated place?!

I pretended to read while I was listening to other people's conversations. It may sound a little bit creepy, but I found it really interesting. It's like entering in other people's private life without them letting you to. Actually that doesn't matter much because I used to forget everything I heard in maximum four hours.

Giggles | Sergio RamosWhere stories live. Discover now