First Meeting

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The moon shone brightly over the Kou Empire, everybody was asleep except of two shady figures.

"Are you sure it's going to be that easy?"you asked the male next to you a little unsure as you walked down a small path

. "Come on (y/n)! Your the best spy the Kou Empire could have! Just follow our plan and everything will be alright and don't forget to play your role the whole time or they will know you were spying on them."the black haired told you full of enthusiasm without looking at you.

You stopped and started shouting:"But Judal I never went to Sindria, I don't even know what kind of information i need!How can you be so sure i won't mess this up? What if somebody catches me?" "sight...(y/n) you have been in so many missions and you still scared of such an easy task? I guess we need to find a new one for this job. It was nice knowing you. Well.... i hope we'll meet again." he waved his hand as a goodbye and started to walk away from you.You on the other hand didn't move at all.*That Bastard...*

You took a deep breath before running after judal and stopping in front of him. "I see you changed your mind (y/n)"he told you with his arm crossed and a slight smirk on his face. You knew exactly that he would never fire you, you were much to precious for the Empire.

"Whatever... lets hurry we don't have all night." you rolled your eyes in annoyance at which Judal snickers.

The two of you kept walking until you got to the harbor.*The sea!* You started to run towards the beach but before you could reach it Judal appeared out of nowhere in front of you.

"What do you think you're doing? You have a mission there's no time for playing and goofing around." he warned you with a stern voice as you backed up slowly. "I know.... but-" "No buts. Now come on we need to catch the boat before it sails without us." he walked off followed by you.

You two walked by many ships but Judal didn't looked like he choose one of those big and pretty ships. *I wonder what kind of ship or boat he has chosen....* your thoughts were interrupted as you bumped into somebody and fell on the ground. "Hey watch out were you're going (y/n)." Judal laughed as he helped you up on your feet. You brushed the dust from your (f/c) dress. "So where's the ship?" You asked him. "Right over here" He pointed at a small old boat which looked like it would sink any minute.

"You're kidding right?"

"Not at all. We don't want to get caught,right?" He got on the boat. "Are you coming?" he asked while stretching his arm for you.You sighted and took his hand and got on the boat too. He smiled at you and you two went to your cabin where you set at the table to discuss his plan again.

"We should be in Sindria at 10. 10:30 Sinbad should take a walk on the beach thats when you come in. I want you to wear this dress which princess Kougyoku gave me. You must act like you need help and when Sinbad sees you he's going to help you. Then you introduce yourself as a princess and tell them how you got here and what happen. You should cry too. Can you do that?"

"What do you think of the best spy in the Empire? Of course i can do that!" you said proudly. Judal only laughed before he left your room, wishing you a good night.

*I could work a little on my manners. Although i took lessons at the palace but just in case... and i should try on the dress i got from the princess. She's so nice to me... i could get her something from Sindria! Maybe she'll even visit me.* you smiled to yourself as you stood up from your chair and started to change your clothes.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and slightly blushed. The (f/c) and (s/c) dress,that looked like that one which princess Kougyoku always wears, suited you perfectly. You started to spin around a little and jump up and down.

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