Chapter 1

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I ran as fast as I could through the wet woods as the rain came down harder on me with every step I took. I had to get out of here.. I finally saw a road and I only knew it was a road because the trees finally stopped growing out and came to a stop. I didn't dare to look behind me before I sprinted off towards it. Once I reached the middle of the road I just stood there even though I knew he was coming after me and that he would be here soon and kill me right here and dump my body off, who knows where.

I looked closely at the road and saw a shadow, it was my thin shadow. I turned around to see the source of this light and just my luck, it was head lights. I started crying as I started jogging towards the car as it was coming right for me.

"HELP!" I screamed waving my arms in the air. "HELP ME PLEASE!" I cried out still waving my arms.

I stopped jogging once the car was very close to me. I was blinded by the lights when the car came to a stop. I banged my hands onto the car as the driver emerged from the vehicle.

"Please help me..." I cried to the person. I fell to the cold pavement crying "Please, please, please" I said quietly and slowly.

"Oh God! What the hell happened out here?!" The man screamed at me. "I'll take you to the nearest hospital!"

I was lifted off the ground and carried quickly over to the passenger side of the car and was carefully set in. The man hurried back over to the other side of the car and took off as fast as possible. I curled up into the warm leather seat finally feeling like I was for once going to be okay.

"So.. What's your name?" The man asked me giving me a quick glance.

I studied his face and body for a bit. He was younger looking but possible two years older than I was, maybe one. He was gripping onto the steering wheel very tight, I could see his knuckles popping out.

"Dakota" I answered quietly.

"Dakota? I'm Kyle" I nodded my head letting Kyle know I heard him. "So um- "Kyle coughed. "Do you mind explaining to me why you were in the middle of the woods crying and bleeding like crazy?"

"Long story.." I said turning my head back towards the side window and listening to the silence until we arrived at the hospital.

"I need a nurse over here!" Kyle yelled when he ran into the room with me in his arms.

Everyone gasped staring at my lifeless body in this boy's arms. Nurses and police men ran towards us and took me out of Kyle's arms and onto a gurney. They rushed me towards the emergency room and stuck a needle into my arm and after a while I started to feel sleepy and so I just fell asleep...


"And then I woke up like ten minutes ago and now I'm here" I explained to the officer sitting in a chair in front of me.

"Thank you, that's all I need for today. Have a good evening" The officer got up and walked out the door waving to the nurses when he walked out into the hallway. I sighed leaning over and taking another sip of the glass of water sitting next to me when the door opened and Kyle slowly walked in taking the seat that the police officer once had.

"I barley even know you and here I am basically taking care of you" He laughed.

"I told you to go home, your right. You're a stranger to me and you don't have to care for me" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I know.. That's the third time you have told me to go home but I don't want to" Kyle said shaking his head.

"Why?" I asked confused. I know he's concerned but I hardly know the kid.

"I want to get to know you" Kyle moved his chair closer to me and I sat up turning towards him sitting crossed legged.

"Okay. I guess I will get to know you as well. Just ask me anything"

"Okay.. Umm. How old are you?" Kyle asked randomly.

"17, you?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Just turned 18" I nodded my head, so he is a year older than me.. "Okay your turn to ask something"

"Uh, okay." I thought of a question to ask as I just stared at his face.

"Do you play any sports?" I asked laughing at my own stupid question. Kyle laughed along nodding.

"I played football but now I just do baseball and a little bit of track"

"How do you do a little bit of track?" I asked confused.

"Well I go to every other meet they have scheduled and I can go to all the runs I am scheduled for"

"Ooooh, okay. Cool. Your turn" I said taking another sip of water.

"Why are we here?" He asked me looking down at the floor.

"Excuse me?" I said not getting what he asked. "You drove me here because I was basically dying in your car"

"No, no not that reason. I meant.. Why were you in the woods? Why were you bleeding and scared?" Kyle looked up at me and stared me right in the eye.

I wasn't sure if I should tell him the whole story or not.

"Well.. I met this guy and he turned out to be someone I thought he wasn't" I explained trying to make it simple.

"That's it?"

"Listen.. I already have to explain this story day by day to the damn police.. So, if you're really interested in my life's story, why don't you just stay in here while they are writing it all down and listen to it for yourself"

"I will" Kyle said with a tired look in his eyes.

"Kyle, please go home. I know your tired." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Fine.. I will, but I will be back here first thing in the morning" Kyle said as if he was my parent.

"Why? So you can hear why this little thang almost bleed to her death?" I asked batting my eyelashes at him. Kyle rolled his eyes at me and laughed.

"Whatever you want to believe in princess"

Kyle walked out of the room without saying another word. I sighed and got back down onto the bed laying on my side staring out into the hall. Tomorrow will either be a good day or a bad day.. there is no in between. That's something my father use to say to me.


Hello everyone!

     This is my first story on here soo please let me know if you liked it down in the comments or just message me. Also if you really did enjoy it, go ahead and give it a vote to let me know also!

I will try to make new chapters maybe twice a week if its possible. Picture of Kyle on the side!!! or top of the page.. which ever :?

    Thank you!


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