~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Devily's P.o.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
My men came back with Stefenie and Jocelyn tied up at the back of the lorry. By now if that idiot Sebastian still hasn't noticed that they're gone, he have no right to have Stefenie. He is too useless and too dumb, not like me, handsome and clever. "Bring Stefenie to the room," I ordered one of my men nearby. We'll have some fun...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Stefenie's P.o.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
" Let go of me! Jerk!" I aimed a kick at that jerk's groin but he caught hold of my leg. "Missy, please do forgive me" He covered my mouth and pulled me along at a superhuman speed. "Hey! Let me down" I tried to say but forgot that my mouth was covered. He randomly ran into a plain bedroom, threw me onto the bed and disappeared. Idiot.
I looked around the bedroom. There was nothing special about it. Just a white bed, a small bedside table and a few white rugs on some parts of the floor. I wonder who is the miser who live in this plain room. It bores me to death. I went to look out the window. Dried up grasses and plants stood out under the scorching late afternoon sun. I thought the gardeners of this castle were skillful and fast? Haha, maybe the crazy Simon and Devily sucked the plant sap.
"What are you thinking?" A voice behind me questioned. I whipped around and to my great anger it was Devily. Speak of the 'Devily' and the 'Devily' comes. " Nothing. It's none of your business, sucker. Do you know it's rude to pry?" I snapped.
"Ah...playing the heroine? You've forgotten that I promised to torture you. Let's see...your boyfriend might not even realise that you're gone. Makes this game fun to play," he eyed me sadistically.
"What you're gonna do?"
Mimicking my voice, he muttered loud enough for me to hear,"Do you know it's rude to pry?"
"Damn you! Just let me go!"
"Let you go? I won't be easy on you. I want to torture you so badly that I even want you dead right now. When you continue to live each day, I want you to remember that I control your life and you have to depend on me for survival. Do you get that?"
"Nope. I WANT to remind you that it's YOU who brought me here. It's only right for me to depend on you for survival. You can don't care, so you can send Jocelyn and I back to Carl and Sebastian. That'll be a load off your back. Carl and Sebastian can take better care of us than you and your pathetic father!"
I earned a slap from him. I was feeling happier and happier by the minute. He glared at me, and that only made me more happy. I had won the cursing match. It's not much of a cursing match, but I only said the word 'pathetic' and I earned first place. Gold medal. I must join the debating club in my school after all this crap.
"If you stay so stubborn I'll leave you to starve." He left the room. It's so boring! All these things that had happened from a few days ago until how had tired me out me totally. I went to sleep at the bed with unfamiliar familiarity.
By the time I woke up, I roughly guessed the time by gazing out into the shining stars. It might be nighttime, but I doubt it. At the bedside table, there was a lot of food there. It made no sense. I thought he said he wanted to starve me? I'll refrain from eating them least he added poison in them to fool me. It's too bad if he don't know that I at least a grade 'A' for every subject and I issue my revenge based on my intelligence. You look down on me now, the next thing you know, you're looking so high up just to see me that your neck hurts. For now, I lay low. Collection of rage is such great fun. I do so love fun so much that when someone starts a game, I'll help to finish playing it. Nice and proper...