Chapter 27

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Look for Calibraska lines and titles ;)

Madison's POV-

"J-Jack? Are you okay?" I mean I knew what happened between Mallory and Johnson but I didn't think it was this serious to the point where G looked like he was going to explode.

"No. No, I'm not okay. He's told me all this shit about her and now they're dating again?! Goddammit! Why is he lying to me?! He said he would never go back to her!"

"Jack, calm down. People can change and sometimes feelings can't. I know you're looking out for him, but you have to realize that if this is what he wants to do, he'll do it. Maybe she's the wrong one and it's shallow love. We would just have to wait and see what happens."

"And if he gets hurt again?! What's gonna happen then? Especially with you around, that won't help the situation."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He was getting me pissed off now.

"What I mean is that he probably went back to her because he felt left out! The reason he broke up with Maggie was because he wanted to be there and help me through my rough time. I didn't even realize that he was also hurting of a breakup! Then once I got back together with you, I just left him again! He's always there to fix me up and I'm barely there for him! goddammit it's all your fault!" He started crying and I hugged him.

I don't really care about what he said because one, I know it's true, two, he's saying some things out of anger.

"It's crazy, how two people fall in love with each other, just to turn around and hurt one another." I told him.

"It's just fucked up." He said with a small laugh, drying his tears.

"I love you, I hate you." I said, kissing him softly.

"I hate you, I love you." He said.

(Now you know which is my favorite of of Calibraska ;) )

We walked to the door of Johnson's door and we knocked. He opened the door, suprised.

"Surprise motherfucker." G said with a small smile.

"Hey bitch." Johnson said. "Bitch's girlfriend." He said, acknowledging my presence with a smile

G moved a little to look inside the house then spoke. "So Mallory again huh?"

"She makes me happy, what can I say? I'm sorry I kept it from you, it's just I thought-" G cut him off

"As long as you're happy." Gilinsky said, hugging him.

"Thanks man." He hugged back. "Now, it's freezing out here, let's get inside."

Jack's POV-

Right when I walked in, Mallory's face turned into an expression filled with fear. I tried hard not to laugh.

"So Mallory, when did you and Johnson get back together?"

"A f-few months ago."

"Oh, wow, you guys are very good at keeping secrets. I should've known, the first time you guys had a relationship, you hid it from me for a whole year." I looked over at Mallory then at Madison, who was trying hard not to laugh. This is why I love her, perfect sense of humor.

"Oh Mallory! Where are my manners? This is Madison, the love of my life." I looked over at Madison again, who looked as red as a tomato.

"Hi." Madison stuck her hand out, which Mallory did not  shake. Bitch. Whoops.

"Well I think we should get going, before it gets cold. After all, we walked here. So bye!" I said, pulling Madison outside.

"What the hell was that?!"


"She just ignored me!"

"Thank god, I thought you were talking about how I was talking."

"That too. Next time, dial it down, that was way too unbelievable."

"Next time?! There's going to be a next time?!"

"It's your bestfriend's girlfriend, of course there's going to be a next time."



"I love you."

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