Chapter 1

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Ring ring ring

Shoot I'm late!!

Oh! Let me introduce myself, fawn, what my name means reddish brown or a young deer, or a young girl, I'm not too sure myself. But the reddish brown is correct, I used to have red-brown hair till I put some blond and some orange in it. Anyway let's continue

I panic as I get into my boots, brown skinny jeans, red long sleeved top, my black glove things, my fishhook necklace and my fox ears headband, (all things up in multimedia), I rush downstairs, grabbing my bag, and manage to get on the bus just before the doors closed, all my orphanage was going to school, along with me. Our orphanage has our own school where the adopters can look to see how hard we work. I sigh with relief and sit the closest to the front, I make sure all my stuff is in there and I sigh with relief, we get to the school and I hop off first, I grab my pen, it had leaves in the pen that float around when I write, I rush to the hall and I was sketching with a pencil an eye, my eye, I herd the door open and I shut my sketchbook and they introduce to us who is walking around, most kids didn't care who they were and was trying to be nice, I saw one man who interested me they introduced him as Séan William McLoughlin, 'he is defiantly Irish.' I think as he says "hello everyone." I smile slightly, I have to admit this Séan is cool as heck and extremely familiar, the bell rang signifying class time and I was last out, I was walking off being bullied slightly by the group I call the barbies, anorexic b****es who wear way to much makeup, all I had is red lipstick and very little orange eyeshadow, and they call me a slut, I sit down in my first class, art, we were told to do a self portrait, I was doing myself, I was in the middle of blending when the same man, séan, walked in, I look up and our eyes met, I averted my eyes and continued on sketching myself with a plushie of foxy next to me, I did a whole body portrait, I was searching through my coloured pencils and then found the one I needed and continued to start colouring my portrait, I herd footsteps and I turned my head back slightly seeing séan. He was watching me colour the plushie in, I continued to colour the plushie in ignoring him like we were supposed to...

I watch as this girl colours a small foxy plushie, she knew I was watching, I walked to the female teacher asking the girls name "oh! That's fawn, a lovely girl, very artistic, she is also a wonderful singer, she is a quiet one, but I am worried about her." I raise an eyebrow "why?" I ask her and she says "her father abused her at a young age, not sexually, but he tried, she ran, found me, she told me what happened and her father is locked up for life, no one knows why she has golden eyes though." And I ask about her mother "her mother died when she was born, the last birthday she celebrated was her fifth. She found me when she was 8 and she is 15 now." She says and I felt sorry for the girl, I noticed her looking at me and I smile at her, she looks down and I talk more about her with the teacher, after finding out she has glossophobia or fear of speaking I knew she was the one for me.

The odd one out (adopted by jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now