ch2 (new relegion )

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He went behind her until he knows which room she was in ,ofcourse she didn't knows that he was behind her,
she was just like very interisting to know more about london and her college
, he relise that he saw her wearing hijab so he ask his close friend about that he told him all the things about islam but in a bad way so he started to search about it in the internet he knows a few things about it but he didn't know exactly why she didn't answer him you can relise that he is very care about her and there is two reasons because of that first because he loves her,
second because of his interesting and that is the thing which he told his close friend about
, she went to the college and it was amazing for her and she was always in the first grade an she was studying very hard and didn't think about him , but she wants to know the name of that book that he was reading it
Some day he went to her in the hotel and sawb her and tell her that he wants to know more about her relegion and she accepted that ,

He:let's go to a cafe to drink coffe or something he said , she :no let's go to the mosque you want to know more don't you she said ,he :ofcours i want he said , she: then come on to show you it ,
they went to the mosque they found alot of people there they went to the sheikh of islam and he were reading the holly qouran to the islamic people in the mosque ,

he : what is this amazing sound he said , she: it is the holly qouran our book in islam, she said the sheikh of islam came after he finished reading,
he :who are you the sheikh of islam said , sara:my name is sara and i am from egypt and he is richarled and he want to know more about islam relegion the sheikh of islam :ok come with me , and he transalate a few things in qouran and told him a few things and he was surprised and liked this relegion ,
he:oh this is amazing i want to be moslem please how can i join this relegion he asked , the sheikh of islam :it's so easy just say and he told him the certificate of Islam , and he join the new relegion and he went to the islam relegion and they were going together one day in every week ,
one day sara didn't came he called her and ask her : why didn't you come ?! Where are you he said . I'm in my coullege i can't come with you today , i think that you know the place just go alone she said ,
ok but i'm going to call you okay ? He said ,she: okay ,,,,, but wait a second why would you call me .? She said . But he end the call before she say that .

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