drama and argument part2

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So eleven and up arrived at the skating ring we got our skates and Started skating den jazzie is wiping and turning and skating backwards
And I am like wooow she is good den jalani Lee and the other boy started pulling her by her waist and stuff I am sitting down looking wit my friend Zion and den we got up and started skating and then jalani got up and started getting his squad on me then I ran to Zion and Zion fell then Zion pulled me down

Then jazzie was on the floor and I was like what's wrong and she sed they broke my skate she started cussin

Kennedi _ what is wrong (counseler)

Jazzie _ they broke my skate

Shayla _ who (counseler)

Jazzie _ jalani Lee and him

Kennedi_ come on and get up

Jazzie_ I am gonna beat they a**

Goes and sits down

Ricky_ u r not gonna beat no body behind ( tomboyish counseler)

Jazzie_ they keep playing

Ricky_ u need to sit yo self down goes u ain't gonna fight me so stop saying that and u need to check yo self because I am the wrong one

Jazzie walks away wit fist balled up and tears rolling down her face. Shayla walks over there wit her and then brian comes then Ricky comes

Ricky_ u can't always hit people so stop that while yelling

Jazzie_ stop yelling at while crying

Then jalani comes by me and is like wats wrong wit her
I say u broke her skate and now she wanna fight y'all so Yea

Jalani yes she is mad

I go get some candy and a soda

Thxs for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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